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Germany's most beautiful hiking trail, multi-day tours | KommunalService...
Mehrtagestouren Germany's most beautiful hiking trail, multi-day...officially named "Germany's most beautiful hiking trail 2023"...ksj.jena.de/en/news/germanys-most-beautiful-hiking-trail-multi-day-tours -
City of Jena calls for swift clarification | Jena Rathaus
Germany when competing for the most talented students and scientists."...Germany when competing for the most talented students and scientists."...rathaus.jena.de/en/city-jena-calls-swift-clarification -
Vermarktungsbroschüre Am Oelste_2023 digital.408182.pdf
Stadtplanung Nicole Rost Am Anger 26 | 07743 Jena nicole.rost@jena.de 03641...Aufstellung) B-Zw 03.1 Zwützen-Ost 139,7 140,6 140,5 141,9 139,0...www.am-oelste.de/sixcms/media.php/2592/Vermarktungsbroschüre Am Oelste_2023 digital.408182.pdfThu Oct 26 06:57:56 UTC 2023 11.3M bytes -
Auch die Thüringer CDU will Straßenbeiträge abschaffen, hält das rot-rot...
Beitrags-Navigation Previous Post Previous Post Next Post Next Post...vorgelegte Gesetzesentwurf von Rot-Rot-Grün bringe aber nicht nur...blog.jena.de/strassenbaubeitraege/2019/09/11/auch-die-thueringer-cdu-will-strassenbeitraege-absch... -
Impressively sustainable: balance sheet after around a year of Tauschhau...
saved by avoiding disposal costs. Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche...saved by avoiding disposal costs. Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche...rathaus.jena.de/en/impressively-sustainable-balance-sheet-after-around-year-tauschhaus-20 -
430 sekretariat@gms-ost.jena.de www.gms-ost.jena.de Umzug im Schuljahr...www.sportgymnasium-jena.de Schulleiter: Uwe Rost Klassen 5 - 12 am Gymnasium...neu.jena.de/system/files/2022-10/Schulwegweiser_2.Auflag._web.pdfTue Sep 24 14:05:13 UTC 2024 7.9M bytes -
Ontwikkelingsplan B-Lo "Volkstuin Lobeda-Ost" juridisch bindend | Jena P...
Ontwikkelingsplan B-Lo "Volkstuin Lobeda-Ost" juridisch bindend 04.12.2024...bestemmingsplan nr. 9 "Volkstuinen Lobeda-Ost" goed te keuren niet werd aangevochten...planen-bauen.jena.de/nl/ontwikkelingsplan-b-lo-volkstuin-lobeda-ost-juridisch-bindend -
Bebauungsplan B-Lo 12 "Kleingartenanlage Lobeda-Ost" (Neulobeda) | Jena ...
12 "Kleingartenanlage Lobeda-Ost" (Neulobeda) Bebauungsplan B-Lo...12 "Kleingartenanlage Lobeda-Ost" (Neulobeda) Kontakt Christine...planen-bauen.jena.de/de/bebauungsplan-b-lo-12-kleingartenanlage-lobeda-ost-neulobeda -
Housing situation | Neu in Jena
for additional costs (also known as operating costs) for water,...for additional costs (also known as operating costs) for water,...neu.jena.de/en/housing-situation -
The round has to go into the square - redesigning the football pitch at ...
the costs for the redesign of the football...approx. 23,000€. Part of the costs will be covered by the city...beteiligung.jena.de/en/round-has-go-square-redesigning-football-pitch-weltentdecker-day-care-centre