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The round has to go into the square - redesigning the football pitch at the "Weltentdecker" day care centre | Beteiligung Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

The round has to go into the square - redesigning the football pitch at the "Weltentdecker" day care centre


Ms Hofmann, Förderverein Kindertagesstätte Weltentdecker e. V.

Brief description of the proposal

In 2013, the "Kita Weltentdecker" received the certification "Movement-friendly daycare center" by the state of Thuringia and has also maintained a cooperation partnership with the Children and Youth Football Foundation since 2015. With the help of the non-profit association SV Jena-Zwätzen e. V., a football club was established to promote physical activity in connection with the teaching of social skills.

A few years ago, the sponsoring association financed a permanently installed soccer goal in order to do justice to the children's urge to move and their enthusiasm for sports activities. However, the ground of the football pitch is often so muddy that the area can only be played on to a limited extent or has to be closed off completely. Due to the shady location of the field, attempts to establish a lawn were also unsuccessful.

The Förderverein Kindertagesstätte Weltentdecker e. V. has therefore started a project to equip the football pitch, which is played on with pleasure, with a synthetic surface and to be able to better implement the movement concept of our movement-friendly day care centre. In total, the costs for the redesign of the football field amount to approx. 23,000€. Part of the costs will be covered by the city as the sponsor of the day care center, the sponsoring association of the day care center wants to contribute about 10,000 € to the costs. We have already raised funds for financing with various activities (raffle for the 15-year Kita anniversary in 2017, waffle stand for the Damenviertelfest on 1.5.2019, cake bazaars in the Kita, ...). However, another 8,000 € are still missing to secure the funding.

With our proposal we apply for 8.000€ as a grant from the citizens' budget of the city of Jena 2019. We would be very happy if with the grant we would come a little closer to the quote of J. H. Pestalozzi: "Whoever succeeds in giving people shining eyes through physical exercises, does great things in the field of education!"


8.000 €

Statement of the administration

The proposal complies with the rules and regulations on the citizens' budget and is put to the vote.