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Results 11 - 20 of 20 for termin (0.28 sec)
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Startseite | Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Jena
Der nächste Termin wird an dieser Stelle bekannt...22.11.2024 statt. Der nächste Termin wird an dieser Stelle bekannt...www.lndw-jena.de/index.php/node -
Experience the German Optical Museum (D.O.M.) | Long Night of the Scienc...
Tickets Partner Experience the German Optical Museum (D.O.M.) Time...informative impressions of the German Optical Museum (D.O.M.), which...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/experience-german-optical-museum-dom -
Revealing the past: AI-supported remote sensing and drone terrain recogn...
AI-supported remote sensing and drone terrain recognition in archaeology...precise remote sensing and terrain recognition to discover hidden...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/revealing-past-ai-supported-remote-sensing-and-drone-terrain-recogni... -
Wieviel Bier, Wein oder Schnaps machen wieviel Promille? | Lange Nacht d...
F2 | Stand 24 (Seminarraum) Termine: 118:15, 20:15, 22:30 & 23:15...F2 | Stand 24 (Seminarraum) Termine: 118:15, 20:15, 22:30 & 23:15...www.lndw-jena.de/programm/wieviel-bier-wein-oder-schnaps-machen-wieviel-promille -
Wieviel Bier, Wein oder Schnaps machen wieviel Promille? | Lange Nacht d...
F2 | Stand 24 (Seminarraum) Termine: 118:15, 20:15, 22:30 & 23:15...F2 | Stand 24 (Seminarraum) Termine: 118:15, 20:15, 22:30 & 23:15...www.lndw-jena.de/programm/wieviel-bier-wein-oder-schnaps-machen-wieviel-promille-0 -
Dual vocational training at Leibniz IPHT - training with a future! | Lon...
Dual vocational training at Leibniz IPHT - training with a future!...Dual vocational training at Leibniz IPHT - training with a future!...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/dual-vocational-training-leibniz-ipht-training-future -
Determine π with matches | Long Night of the Sciences Jena
Information & Tickets Partner Determine π with matches Time 18:00...Adresse Carl-Zeiss-Promenade 2 Determine an approximation for the circle...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/determine-p-matches -
New technologies in vocational training | Long Night of the Sciences Jena
technologies in vocational training Time 18:00 - 24:00 o'clock...into vocational and academic training at ZEISS. ZEISS trainees and...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/new-technologies-vocational-training -
DLR_School_Lab Jena: Experience fascination in the school laboratory of ...
the school laboratory of the German Aerospace Center! Time 18:00...the school laboratory of the German Aerospace Center! Time 18:00...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/dlrschoollab-jena-experience-fascination-school-laboratory-german-ae... -
Informationen & Tickets | Lange Nacht der Wissenschaften Jena
Der Termin für den Vorverkauf und die...den Jenaer Nahverkehr. Der Termin für den Vorverkauf und die...www.lndw-jena.de/index.php/informationen-tickets