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Results 1 - 10 of 22 for drohne (0.08 sec)
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Drone flight & thermal imaging - experience technology up close | Long N...
the environment with drones! In our drone flight simulator, you...the environment with drones! In our drone flight simulator, you...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/drone-flight-thermal-imaging-experience-technology-close -
Drohnenflug & Wärmebilder – Technik hautnah erleben | Lange Nacht der Wi...
wie wir mit Drohnen die Umwelt erforschen! Bei...Hainstraße 1a Erlebe, wie wir mit Drohnen die Umwelt erforschen! Bei...www.lndw-jena.de/programm/drohnenflug-waermebilder-technik-hautnah-erleben -
A virtual research environment for research data from the Arctic expedit...
impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/virtual-research-environment-research-data-arctic-expedition-mosaic -
Sustainable agriculture: geodata as the key to the future | Long Night o...
impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/sustainable-agriculture-geodata-key-future -
Der Computer lernt sehen: Chancen und Risiken von KI in Medizinischer Di...
Drohnen, Flugzeugen oder Satelliten...Aussagen treffen zu können. Drohnen, Flugzeugen oder Satelliten...www.lndw-jena.de/programm/der-computer-lernt-sehen-chancen-und-risiken-von-ki-medizinischer-diagn... -
Get insights on the functionality of our drones and how we use them for ...
on the functionality of our drones and how we use them for our...on the functionality of our drones and how we use them for our...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/get-insights-functionality-our-drones-and-how-we-use-them-our-fieldwork -
The surface under trees: the application of LiDAR in archaeology | Long ...
scanning technique that uses drones, helicopters or airplanes....technology is presented, the special drone used for this application is...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/surface-under-trees-application-lidar-archaeology -
Kalte Nasenspitze, warme Hände? Die Wärmebildkamera von Jenoptik zeigt e...
Sie können in Drohnen, Bodycams oder Helmkameras...verfügbar ist. Sie können in Drohnen, Bodycams oder Helmkameras...www.lndw-jena.de/programm/kalte-nasenspitze-warme-haende-die-waermebildkamera-von-jenoptik-zeigt-es -
Interactive tools for analyzing web data | Long Night of the Sciences Jena
impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/interactive-tools-analyzing-web-data -
AI and concepts: Do neural networks understand the world like we do? | L...
impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...impressive possibilities of modern drone technology with VR goggles,...www.lndw-jena.de/en/programm/ai-and-concepts-do-neural-networks-understand-world-we-do