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State elections | Jena <strong>wahlen</strong> Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

State elections

Elections to the Thuringian state parliament 2024

Below you will find charts on the overall result, state votes, constituency votes and strongholds for Jena (constituencies 37 and 38). The state result can be found on the website of the Thuringian State Office for Statistics.

Overall result, profits and losses

Results of state votes (second votes)

You can view the results of the constituencies, districts, constituencies and postal voting districts.

Constituency voting results (first votes)

You can view the results of the constituencies, districts, constituencies and postal voting districts.

Stronghold maps

Election results, tabular overviews

The results in these views are only entered after the end of the count.


The current small-scale presentation of results by constituency can be found in our election atlas.

Constituency 37 - Preliminary election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 01.09.2024

  • Election date: 01.09.2024
  • Eligible voters: XX XXX
  • Voters: XX XXX
  • Voter turnout: XX.X %
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes XX XXX Constituency votes


State votes XX XXX State votes XXX
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
DIE LINKE (Thomas, Jens) XX XXX XX,X %
AfD (Mengel-Stähle, Elisabeth) XX XXX XX.X %
CDU (Prof. Dr. Schubert, Ulrich Sigmar) XX XXX XX,X %
SPD (Gruber, Daniela) XX XXX XX,X %
GREENS (Prothmann, Christina) XX XXX XX,X %
FDP (Teufel, Petra Angelika) XX XXX XX.X %
FREIE WÄHLER (Pelzer, Bertram) XX XXX XX.X %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
AfD (Alternative for Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
FDP (Free Democratic Party) XX XXX XX.X %
TIERSCHUTZ hier! (Action Party for Animal Protection) XX XXX XX,X %
ÖDP / Family ... (Ecological-Democratic Party/Family, Justice, Environment) XX XXX XX.X %
PIRATEN (Pirate Party Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
MLPD (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
BSW (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Reason and Justice) XX XXX XX.X %
FAMILIE (Family Party of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
FREIE WÄHLER (Free Voters in Thuringia) XX XXX XX.X %
WU (Values Union) XX XXX XX.X %

Constituency 38 - Preliminary election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 01.09.2024

  • Election date: 01.09.2024
  • Eligible voters: XX XXX
  • Voters: XX XXX
  • Voter turnout: XX.X %
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes XX XXX Constituency votes


State votes XX XXX State votes XXX
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
DIE LINKE (Güngör, Lena Saniye) XX XXX XX,X %
AfD (Beutler, Tim Egon) XX XXX XX.X %
CDU (Freuer, Konstantin) XX XXX XX.X %
SPD (Liebscher, Lutz) XX XXX XX.X %
GREENS (Volkmer, Wolfgang) XX XXX XX.X %
FDP (Beyer, Stefan) XX XXX XX,X %
BSW (Hertlein, Patrizia) XX XXX XX,X %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
AfD (Alternative for Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
CDU (Christian Democratic Union of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
SPD (Social Democratic Party of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
FDP (Free Democratic Party) XX XXX XX.X %
TIERSCHUTZ hier! (Action Party for Animal Protection) XX XXX XX,X %
ÖDP / Family ... (Ecological-Democratic Party/Family, Justice, Environment) XX XXX XX.X %
PIRATEN (Pirate Party Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
MLPD (Marxist-Leninist Party of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
BSW (Alliance Sahra Wagenknecht - Reason and Justice) XX XXX XX.X %
FAMILIE (Family Party of Germany) XX XXX XX.X %
FREIE WÄHLER (Free Voters in Thuringia) XX XXX XX.X %
WU (Values Union) XX XXX XX,X %

Election results


You can find the current small-scale results by constituency in our election atlas.

Constituency 37 - Final election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 27.10.2019

  • Election date: 27.10.2019
  • Eligible voters: 45,323
  • Voters: 32,846
  • Voter turnout: 72.5 %
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 32 578 Constituency votes


State votes 32 673 National votes 173
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU (Wothly, Guntram) 5 018 15,4 %
DIE LINKE (Wolf, Torsten) 10 256 31,5 %
SPD (Green, Birgit) 3 157 9,7 %
AfD (Jankowski, Denny) 3 921 12,0 %
GREENS (Siegesmund, Anja) 8 026 24,6 %
FDP (Riegel, Philip) 2 053 6,3 %
MLPD (Riese, Jonas) 147 0,5 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 4 252 13,0 %
DIE LINKE 12 341 37,8 %
SPD 2 980 9,1 %
AfD 3 672 11,2 %
GREENS 5 315 16,3 %
NPD 60 0,2 %
FDP 2 453 7,5 %
PIRATES 140 0,4 %
The PARTEI 589 1,8 %
KPD 20 0,1 %
ANIMAL PROTECTION here! 166 0,5 %
BGE 115 0,4 %
THE DIRECT! 82 0,3 %
Blue #TeamPetry Thuringia 11 0,0 %
Gray Panther 147 0,4 %
MLPD 75 0,2 %
ÖDP / Family ... 149 0,5 %
Health research 106 0,3 %

Constituency 38 - Final election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 27.10.2019

  • Election date: 27.10.2019
  • Eligible voters: 35,779
  • Voters: 24,687
  • Voter turnout: 69.0 %
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 24 425 Constituency votes


State votes 24 495 State votes 192
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU (Haschke, Rosa Maria) 4 376 17,9 %
DIE LINKE (Dr. Lukin, Gudrun) 7 885 32,3 %
SPD (Liebscher, Lutz) 2 203 9,0 %
AfD (Kniese, Tosca) 3 642 14,9 %
GREENS (Lützkendorf, Kathleen) 3 382 13,8 %
FDP (Dr. Bergner, Ute) 2 537 10,4 %
MLPD (Braungart, Anatole) 56 0,2 %
FREIE WÄHLER (Brinkmann, Günter) 213 0,9 %
Gruner (Gruner, Michael) 131 0,5 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 3 488 14,2 %
DIE LINKE 9 216 37,6 %
SPD 2 193 9,0 %
AfD 3 586 14,6 %
GREENS 2 859 11,7 %
NPD 45 0,2 %
FDP 1 940 7,9 %
PIRATES 109 0,4 %
The PARTEI 341 1,4 %
KPD 14 0,1 %
ANIMAL PROTECTION here! 177 0,7 %
BGE 84 0,3 %
THE DIRECT! 60 0,2 %
Blue #TeamPetry Thuringia 15 0,1 %
Gray Panther 121 0,5 %
MLPD 50 0,2 %
ÖDP / Family ... 99 0,4 %
Health research 98 0,4 %

Constituency 37 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 14.09.2014

  • Election date: 14.09.2014
  • Eligible voters: 49,500
  • Voters: 28,379
  • Voter turnout: 57.3 %
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 28 034 Constituency votes


State votes 2 8148 State votes 231
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percentage
CDU (Wothly, Guntram) 7 144 25,5 %
DIE LINKE (Wolf, Torsten) 8 330 29,7 %
SPD (Matschie, Christoph) 4 409 15,7 %
FDP (Barth, Uwe) 1 403 5,0 %
GREENS (Siegesmund, Anja) 4 453 15,9 %
AfD (Muhsal, Wiebke) 2 047 7,3 %
NPD (Jahn, Frank) 248 0,9 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 7 348 26,1 %
DIE LINKE 8 252 29,3 %
SPD 3 471 12,3 %
FDP 1 091 3,9 %
GREENS 4 305 15,3 %
AfD 2 025 7,2 %
REP 31 0,1 %
FREIE WÄHLER 290 1,0 %
KPD 33 0,1 %
NPD 302 1,1 %
The PARTEI 385 1,4 %
PIRATES 615 2,2 %

Constituency 38 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 14.09.2014

  • Election date: 14.09.2014
  • Eligible voters: 34,175
  • Voters: 19,158
  • Voter turnout: 56.1 %
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 18 822 Constituency votes


State votes 19 002 State votes 156
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU (Prof. Dr. Schuchardt, Dietmar) 6 210 33,0 %
DIE LINKE (Dr. Lukin, Gudrun) 6 464 34,3 %
SPD (Dr. Vogel, Jörg) 3 073 16,3 %
FDP (Dr. Nitzsche, Thomas) 785 4,2 %
GREENS (Müller, Olaf) 1 814 9,6 %
NPD (Hafenrichter, Dietmar) 476 2,5 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 5 141 27,1 %
DIE LINKE 6 007 31,6 %
SPD 2 269 11,9 %
FDP 686 3,6 %
GREENS 2 164 11,4 %
AfD 1 741 9,2 %
REP 39 0,2 %
FREIE WÄHLER 173 0,9 %
KPD 26 0,1 %
NPD 241 1,3 %
The PARTEI 164 0,9 %
PIRATES 351 1,8 %

Constituency 37 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 30.08.2009

  • Election date: 30.08.2009
  • Eligible voters: 49,822
  • Voters: 29,835
  • Voter turnout: 59.9
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 29 440 Constituency votes


State votes 29 460 State votes 375
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU (Seela, Reyk) 6 610 22,5 %
DIE LINKE (Dr. Kaschuba, Karin) 7 076 24,0 %
SPD (Matschie, Christoph) 7 927 26,9 %
Greens (Siegesmund, Anja) 3 323 11,3 %
FDP (Barth, Uwe) 2 730 9,3 %
Free Voters of Thuringia (Haschke, Jürgen) 1 257 4,3 %
NPD (Kaiser, Christian) 517 1,8 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Number of
CDU 6 580 22,3 %
DIE LINKE 7 343 24,9 %
SPD 6 437 21,8 %
GREENS 4 548 15,4 %
REP 88 0,3 %
FDP 2 871 9,7 %
Free Voters Thuringia 962 3,3 %
NPD 517 1,8 %
ödp 114 0,4 %

Constituency 38 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 30.08.2009

  • Election date: 30.08.2009
  • Eligible voters: 34 857
  • Voters: 20,219
  • Voter turnout: 58.0%
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 19 879 Constituency votes


State votes 19 947 National votes 272
Constituency votes
Candidate Votes Percentage
CDU (Müller, Bernward) 4 271 21,5 %
DIE LINKE (Dr. Lukin, Gudrun) 5 740 28,9 %
SPD (Dr. Vogel, Jörg) 4 909 24,7 %
GREENS (Georg, Pierre) 1 861 9,4 %
FDP (Wiese, Andreas) 1 664 8,4 %
Free Voters of Thuringia (Plandor, Norbert) 901 4,5 %
NPD (Buhler, Hans-Jürgen) 533 2,7 %
State votes
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 4 575 22,9 %
DIE LINKE 5 497 27,6 %
SPD 4 564 22,9 %
GREENS 2 270 11,4 %
REP 107 0,5 %
FDP 1 700 8,5 %
Free Voters Thuringia 660 3,3 %
NPD 487 2,4 %
ödp 87 0,4 %

Constituency 37 - Election results in Jena for the Thuringian state parliament on 13.06.2004

  • Election date: 13.06.2004
  • Eligible voters: 48,520
  • Voters: 28,432
  • Voter turnout: 58.6
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 27 336 Constituency votes

1 096

State votes 27 656 State votes 776
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU (Reyk Seela) 8 209 30,0 %
PDS (Dr. Karin Kaschuba) 7 362 26,9 %
SPD (Dr. Christine Klaus) 5 813 21,3 %
GREENS (Dr. Matias Mieth) 3 980 14,6 %
FDP (Uwe Barth) 1 972 7,2 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 8 748 31,6 %
PDS 6 775 24,5 %
SPD 5 381 19,5 %
GREENS 3 666 13,3 %
BSU 89 0,3 %
Grey 229 0,8 %
REP 363 1,3 %
FDP 1 237 4,5 %
Free Voters Thür. 444 1,6 %
KPD 80 0,3 %
NPD 329 1,2 %
ödp 69 0,2 %
ODAD 207 0,7 %
VIBT 39 0,1 %

Constituency 38 - Election results in Jena for the Thuringian state parliament on 13.06.2004

  • Election date: 13.06.2004
  • Eligible voters: 35,105
  • Voters: 19,968
  • Voter turnout: 56.9
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 18 976 Constituency votes


State votes 19 166 National votes 802
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU (Andreas Trautvetter) 6 229 32,8 %
PDS (Dr. Gudrun Lukin) 5 540 29,2 %
SPD (Christoph Matschie) 5 031 26,5 %
GREENS (Olaf Möller) 1 257 6,6 %
FDP (Gernot Poßögel) 919 4,8 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 6 083 31,7 %
PDS 5 297 27,6 %
SPD 3 619 18,9 %
GREENS 1 913 10,0 %
BSU 19 0,1 %
Grey 166 0,9 %
REP 358 1,9 %
FDP 800 4,2 %
Free Voters Thuringia 301 1,6 %
KPD 38 0,2 %
NPD 267 1,4 %
ödp 48 0,2 %
ODAD 204 1,1 %
VIBT 53 0,3 %

Constituency 37 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 12.09.1999

  • Election date: 12.09.1999
  • Eligible voters: 43,246
  • Voters: 26,145
  • Voter turnout: 60.5
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 25 833 Constituency votes


State votes 25 939 State votes 206
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 10 063 39,0 %
SPD 6 737 26,1 %
PDS 5 820 22,5 %
GREENS 1 568 6,1 %
REP 662 2,6 %
F.D.P. 983 3,8 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 10 829 41,7 %
SPD 5 727 22,1 %
PDS 5 944 22,9 %
GREENS 1 593 6,1 %
DSU 31 0,1 %
DVU 495 1,9 %
REP 232 0,9 %
THE WOMEN 149 0,6 %
F.D.P. 555 2,1 %
NPD 72 0,3 %
FORUM 136 0,5 %
PBC 57 0,2 %
VIBT 119 0,5 %

Constituency 38 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 12.09.1999

  • Election date: 12.09.1999
  • Eligible voters: 34,413
  • Voters: 20,368
  • Voter turnout: 59.2 %
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 20 167 Constituency votes


State votes 20 176 State votes 192
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 7 294 36,2 %
SPD 6 243 31,0 %
PDS 4 877 24,2 %
GREENS 696 3,5 %
REP 481 2,4 %
F.D.P. 400 2,0 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 8 109 40,2 %
SPD 4 605 22,8 %
PDS 5 187 25,7 %
GREENS 889 4,4 %
DSU 35 0,2 %
DVU 408 2,0 %
REP 203 1,0 %
THE WOMEN 120 0,6 %
F.D.P. 362 1,8 %
NPD 77 0,4 %
FORUM 70 0,3 %
PBC 36 0,2 %
VIBT 75 0,4 %

Constituency 37 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 16.10.1994

  • Election date: 16.10.1994
  • Eligible voters: 43,336
  • Voters: 31,933
  • Voter turnout: 75.4
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 31 110 Constituency votes


State votes 31 207 State votes 726
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 9 712 31,2 %
SPD 10 645 34,2 %
PDS 5 438 17,5 %
F.D.P. 1 319 4,2 %
GREENS 3 562 11,4 %
REP 434 1,4 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 9 685 31,0 %
SPD 10 451 33,5 %
PDS 5 960 19,1 %
FDP 1 260 4,0 %
GREENS 2 644 8,5 %
FORUM 533 1,7 %
DSU 35 0,1 %
REP 339 1,1 %
GREY 125 0,4 %
ÖDP 60 0,2 %
STATT Part 115 0,4 %

Constituency 38 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 16.10.1994

  • Election date: 16.10.1994
  • Eligible voters: 36,861
  • Voters: 28,159
  • Voter turnout: 76.4
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 27 480 Constituency votes 679
State votes 27 459 State votes 700
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 7 861 28,6 %
SPD 11 032 40,1 %
PDS 5 008 18,2 %
F.D.P. 934 3,4 %
GREENS 1 677 6,1 %
REP 433 1,6 %
Individual candidates 535 1,9 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 7 952 29,0 %
SPD 9 279 33,8 %
PDS 5 915 21,5 %
FDP 1 108 4,0 %
GREENS 2 081 7,6 %
FORUM 399 1,5 %
DSU 31 0,1 %
REP 411 1,5 %
GREY 118 0,4 %
ÖDP 39 0,1 %
STATT Part 126 0,5 %

Constituency 37 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 14.10.1990

  • Election date: 14.10.1990
  • Eligible voters: 41,672
  • Voters: 29,381
  • Voter turnout: 70.5
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 28 840 Constituency votes 541
State votes 28 931 National votes 450
Constituency vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 10 583 36,7%
DFD 270 0,9%
DBU 91 0,3 %
DSU 735 2,5 %
F.D.P. 2 927 10,1 %
LL-PDS 3 344 11,6 %
NFGRDJ 4 196 14,5 %
SPD 6 460 22,4 %
UFV 234 0,8 %
State vote distribution
Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 9 424 32,6 %
Chr.L. 60 0,2 %
DFD 163 0,6 %
REP 161 0,6 %
DBU 70 0,2 %
DSU 838 2,9 %
F.D.P. 3 697 12,8 %
LL-PDS 3 562 12,3 %
NPD 89 0,3 %
NFGRDJ 3 708 12,8 %
SPD 6 949 24,0 %
UFV 210 0,7 %

Constituency 38 - Election results for the Thuringian state parliament on 14.10.1990

  • Election date: 14.10.1990
  • Eligible voters: 36,836
  • Voters: 26,313
  • Voter turnout: 71.4
Valid votes Number of Invalid votes Number of
Constituency votes 25 813 Constituency votes 500
State votes 25 903 National votes 410

Constituency vote distribution

Candidate Votes Percent
CDU 8 824 34,2 %
DFD 236 0,9 %
DSU 794 3,1 %
F.D.P. 3 030 11,7 %
LL-PDS 3 373 13,1 %
NFGRDJ 3 189 12,4 %
SPD 6 133 23,8 %
UFV 234 0,9 %
State vote distribution
Candidate votes Number of
CDU 8 045 31,1 %
Chr.L. 46 0,2 %
DFD 165 0,6 %
REP 122 0,5 %
DBU 59 0,2 %
DSU 766 3,0 %
F.D.P. 3 012 11,6 %
LL-PDS 3 511 13,6 %
NPD 76 0,3 %
NFGRDJ 3 006 11,6 %
SPD 6 902 26,6 %
UFV 193 0,7 %