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Commercial / industrial waste water - discharge | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Commercial / industrial waste water - discharge

Die Einleitung gewerblicher / industrieller Abwässer in ein Gewässer (Direkteinleitung) bzw. in eine öffentliche Abwasseranlage (Indirekteinleitung) aus Herkunftsbereichen der Abwasserverordnung (AbwV) bedarf der Erlaubnis bzw. der Genehmigung durch die untere Wasserbehörde.

For the discharge of waste water from the areas of origin listed in

  • Annex 49 of the AbwV - "Waste water containing mineral oil".
  • Annex 50 of the AbwV - "Dental treatment" (amalgam separators)
  • Annex 52 of the AbwV - "Dry cleaning".
  • Annex 53 of the AbwV - "Photographic Processes
  • as well as from waste water systems approved under building law

into the public sewerage system, the application for a permit under water law may, under certain conditions, be replaced by a notification to the water authority.

To apply for discharge to a water body or public sewer, please use the forms provided on this page and complete the applicable fields.

The completed form must be submitted in duplicate to the lower water authority with the following information and documentation:

  • Type, purpose and scope of the project
  • Type, origin, quantity and material load of the waste water in l/s, m3/h, m3/d, m3/a), in the case of batch operation additionally the maximum quantity of a batch and the discharge regime with quantity details
  • Assignment of the waste water to an annex of the Waste Water Ordinance and proof of compliance with points B, C (in the case of discharge into a body of water), D, E and F of the annex or justification of the non-application of certain requirements.
  • raw and auxiliary materials and other substances used or produced in the production process
  • Location of waste water generation, merging of waste water flows, presentation as a flow diagram
  • Waste water plant and treatment as well as reasons for the choice of treatment process and operating methods
  • Self-inspection of wastewater discharge and facilities according to ThürAbwEKVO
  • Sewer system and special structures (pumping stations, shafts, etc.)
  • in the case of discharge into a body of water: point of discharge and structural design of the discharge structure
  • Indication of whether and, if so, to which area of the 4th BImSchV the project is to be assigned.

Planning documents

  • General site plan, M 1 : 25 000 or 1 : 10 000
  • Detailed site plan
  • Extract from the cadastral map / real estate map
  • Drainage plan
Tag Zeiten
Montag 08:00 - 12:00 und 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:00 - 12:00 und 13:00 - 16:00 Uhr
Mittwoch keine Sprechzeiten
Donnerstag 08:00 - 12:00 und 13:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr

Um vorherige terminvereinbarung wird gebeten.

  • Water Resources Act (WHG)
  • Thuringian Water Act (ThürWG)
  • Wastewater Ordinance (AbwV)
  • Thuringian Indirect Discharger Ordinance (ThürIndEVO)
  • Thuringian Wastewater Self-Monitoring Ordinance (ThürAbwEKVO)
  • Fourth Ordinance on the Implementation of the Federal Immission Control Act (4th BImschV)
Water / Soil / Waste Team (Lower Water Authority)

Am Anger 26
07743 Jena