After the training
Have you successfully completed your training? Congratulations - there are many other opportunities open to you. Many training companies take on their trainees as regular employees. However, you may also want to work for another company in the future.
In both cases, you should register as a jobseeker with the Federal Employment Agency as soon as possible, ideally 3 months before the end of your training.
The employment agency can support you in your search for a new job and sometimes help with application costs. Even if your new job does not immediately become a permanent position, it is an opportunity for your professional advancement.
Perhaps you have realized during your training that your heart beats for another subject area or you would like to gain further qualifications in general? You are free to complete a second apprenticeship.
Qualified further training increases your opportunities for career advancement. You should also consider studying, because depending on the federal state and university, this is possible under certain conditions with a completed apprenticeship.
The time after your apprenticeship is also ideal for a stay abroad. Regardless of whether you gain experience abroad as an employee, au pair, language traveler or even as a volunteer, your stay will enrich your chances on the German job market.