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Overview of vocational training | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Overview of vocational training

Anyone who leaves school in Germany usually goes on to learn a specific profession.

Vocational training gives you the best chance of finding a well-paid job on the labor market. You can choose between two training systems, the dual system and the school-based vocational system.

Most state-recognized training occupations are learned in the dual training system. The framework conditions are regulated by the Vocational Training Act.

Content structure of the training

As an apprentice, you will learn in 2 places. Theoretical knowledge for your training is taught at vocational school. You will learn practical skills at your training company.

Depending on the training occupation, you will alternate between your learning locations on fixed days or for several weeks at a time. Your training, also known as an apprenticeship, usually lasts 3 years.

You must pass an intermediate examination to prove your progress in the training occupation. The training ends with the final examination.

Many companies offer their trainees the opportunity to continue working for them after graduation. Of course, you can now also apply to another company or upgrade your training.

By continuing your education, starting a second apprenticeship or a postgraduate course, you will gain a higher qualification.

General conditions

In principle, anyone can complete a dual apprenticeship if they can find a training company. The company determines the conditions under which it accepts a trainee. A certain school-leaving qualification or particularly good grades in a relevant subject are often required.

Training companies only ever have a limited number of training positions that they can fill. You should therefore make sure that your application is well written. If the company is then interested in you, a personal interview will follow.

You will be guaranteed a training position once your future company and you have signed the training contract. This regulates the course of your training and determines your salary, which varies greatly depending on the sector and year of training.


As a trainee, you will also pay social security contributions on your salary. Taxes are only paid from a minimum salary.

As an apprenticeship is not regarded as actual gainful employment, but as training time, your salary may be below the minimum wage. If there is no collective agreement for your professional sector that regulates the level of training pay, the competent authorities will set guidelines.

Competent bodies

You will also take your examinations at the competent authorities. Depending on the sector in which you are starting your training, the competent bodies may be chambers of crafts and trades (HWK), chambers of industry and commerce (IHK), chambers of agriculture, medical associations, etc.

If you are starting your dual training in the public sector, the responsible body will be determined by the federal and state authorities or municipalities.

You can also learn professions through the school-based vocational training system, but usually different ones than in the dual system.

School-based vocational training mostly relates to the service sector, the largest area being healthcare. These vocational training courses are fully valid and legally recognized without you being tied to a company as a trainee.

General conditions

The training is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Vocational Training Act and the Crafts Code or in accordance with state law. Professions in the social and health services sector are sometimes carried out in accordance with their own laws, such as the Nursing Act.

The vocational school is the sole trainer. They only have full-time lessons, supplemented by work placements or exercises in practical laboratories. This is sometimes followed by a practical year.

You should send your application for an apprenticeship directly to the vocational college. The requirements vary depending on the apprenticeship you are aiming for. Your apprenticeship lasts around 2 to 3 years.


As a school-based trainee, you will usually only receive a salary if the school is part of the public sector.

Some vocational schools charge tuition fees or examination and admission fees.


Like trainees in the dual system, trainees in the school-based vocational training system can take part in an examination before the chamber responsible for their profession if their training content, requirements and duration are comparable to those of the dual system and an appropriate proportion of practical learning content can be demonstrated.

5 steps to vocational training

  • Hobbies
  • Special interests and skills
  • previous knowledge
  • ...
  • Careers advice
  • training fairs
  • own research
  • ...
  • try out different professions
  • Check your own expectations
  • Make contacts
  • Is the job what I imagined it would be?
  • ...
  • Research on all platforms (Internet, employment agency, daily newspaper, notices...)
  • Direct inquiry with interesting companies
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Seek expert help / have it proofread
  • ...