How people and companies in Jena live interculturality
Every year, the i-work Business Award recognises companies in Jena that are exemplary in promoting intercultural openness in the business environment. The many practical examples from the i-work competition present the companies where integration succeeds in everyday working life and show how people at the workplace and beyond are committed to the cooperation of cultures. Would you like to learn more about how arriving in Jena and in your new job can be a success? Our blog series presents many interesting examples.

Meet Jakub Struczynski here

Jakub is originally from Poland and now works as a Cloud Migration & Imp Analyst at Accenture GmbH in Jena. He tells us how Accenture makes it easier for international employees to start their new job and settle in Jena.
How did you end up in Jena?
I came to Jena because together with my wife, we got job offers here. She Is a PhD student at FSU. Also, I like the city for its specificity, it is not too large and not too tiny. Before I came to Jena, I also found, that there is a Sports Club Motor Jena, where I can continue to train my favourite sport – Wrestling.
What do you like most about your work and your company?
I like most the possibilities, that are given to me by the company. In these difficult times of Covid-19, I was offered the six-week course to prepare me for the future position. Also, even now, when I am already working, my employer offers me many options to develop my skills and become a valuable asset. Moreover, I like the hybrid model of work, which allows me to continue working despite the current situation.

What challenges were you faced with when you came to Jena / started in your company? How did you overcome these challenges?
The most demanding issues I faced were the formalities connected with the contract and personal insurance. However, I got support from my company HR. They took care of most things and gave me advice on how to deal with the rest. I also had to buy some extra equipment for my home office, but again the company helped by providing me with the loyalty website where I found everything I needed with rabat.
How did your company support you the most?
The biggest support I got from my company is the overall cooperation model, which allows me both to work from home and visit the local office whenever needed. Also, the multiple courses and certification paths, that are offered to me, play a major role in my career development and enablement.

What are the biggest differences in everyday work and life between your home and Jena?
The greatest difference is the biking!! It is so easy to go anywhere by bike and that includes, of course, the office !!! In my home town, I needed the car to move around the city, looking for parking was an everyday routine. In Jena I do not even think about driving to work by car, I enjoy an everyday bike ride to work!
What is typically German / typically Jena for you?
For me, the most German thing that there is the Weihnachtsmarkt! I love it and I like the one in Jena because it is smaller and more personal than the big ones like in Nurnberg(which I have also visited 🙂 ). The most Jena thing is the Paradies. I love to go there for Grill, for a run or to train callisthenics. It is also the place, where I was training my first wedding dance!
Thank you very much for the interview and all the best for your future in Jena!
Accenture: About us
Accenture operates globally, in terms of clients but also with our people from offices in 51 countries. Despite the diversity of nationalities, cultures, languages and backgrounds, we are a team in which everyone contributes as an individual. Since 2014, there has also been a location in Jena with 132 colleagues from 12 nations so far. In addition to Germany, these include Great Britain, Chile, China, India, Iran, Morocco, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Syria and Venezuela (as of 06 September 2021).
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