Surface waters
Surface waters fulfill a variety of tasks in the natural and water balance. They serve as a habitat for rare animals and plants and are used by humans in a variety of ways.
The aim of sustainable water management is to harmonize these functions as far as possible.
Jena is characterized by the Saale river, which flows lengthwise through the city. According to its water management significance, the Saale is classified as a first-order watercourse.
The urban area is also criss-crossed by numerous larger and smaller streams, the second-order watercourses. These carry water permanently or intermittently and ultimately flow into the Saale.
Taken together, the second-order watercourses in the city area have a total length of around 70 km.
The largest and probably best-known standing body of water in Jena is the Schleichersee. There are also numerous small bodies of water that fulfill important biotope functions.
Energy is generated from hydropower at three locations on the Saale in Jena and fed into the power grid. The plants are located at the Paradies weir, the Rasenmühlen weir and the Burgauer weir.
Water law permit and approval
In order to do justice to the natural functions of our surface waters on the one hand and the demands placed on their use on the other, some activities are only permitted with the permission or approval of the water authority. These include
- Water extraction via pumps (scooping with hand containers is not permitted)
- Damming, lowering and discharging water
- Removal of solid substances
- Introducing and discharging substances
- Construction, modification or removal of structures on, in, under or above surface waters
Special regulations apply to the development and maintenance of surface waters.
Motorboats are not permitted on the Saale in Jena.
Please also refer to the information on the city's service portal regarding the necessary permits and authorizations:
Watercourse maintenance
Depending on the bed gradient and geological subsoil, watercourses are naturally prone to bank and bed erosion or sedimentation. This can lead to conflicts in populated areas.
Watercourses must therefore be regularly maintained. This includes the following measures:
- Preservation of the watercourse bed
- Ensuring proper water runoff, removing obstacles to runoff
- Protecting the banks with site-appropriate vegetation
- Maintaining the ecological function of the watercourse
The Thuringian State Office for the Environment, Mining and Nature Conservation is responsible for the maintenance of watercourses of the first order. In the case of second-order watercourses, this is the responsibility of the municipalities or the associations set up to maintain them.
If you have any questions about watercourse maintenance along the streams, please contact Kommunalservice Jena - Gewässerunterhaltung.