Official medical opinion on aid applications
Der Fachdienst Gesundheit erstellt Gutachten im Rahmen der Gewährung von Kuren sowie stationären Rehabilitationsmaßnahmen nach den für die Beamten und Beamtinnen gültigen Beihilfevorschriften.
In order to check the medical indication of a cure or rehabilitation measure, the health service carries out assessments for civil servants who have their residence in Jena. Please note that the measure must be applied for in advance at the responsible subsidy office. Furthermore, it is recommended to inquire in advance at the desired spa or rehabilitation facility about possible waiting periods for the implementation of the measure.
It is necessary to make an appointment. Approximately one hour should be planned for the assessment. If it is a mother-child or father-child cure, the presence of the child to be treated is also required.
Notes on data protection
Information in accordance with Article 13 of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) on the processing of personal data can be found under Downloads.
- Identity card
- Order from the subsidy office
- findings of a general practitioner or specialist on the clinical picture, hospital reports
- Name and address of the preferred spa/rehab facility
Opening hours
Aktuell können im Fachdienst Gesundheit wieder Begutachtungen durchgeführt werden. Hierfür vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin bei uns über den unten stehenden Ansprechpartner.
Service | Fee |
Expert opinion incl. preparation of expert opinion | 20,00 Euro |
Fees are charged on the basis of the Thuringian Administrative Costs Act (ThürVwKostG) in conjunction with the respective administrative cost regulations.
Please note that payments to the Health Department can only be made by EC or credit card.
Legal basis
- Paragraph 28(6)(1) of the ThürBhV
- Paragraph 29(6)(4) of the ThürBhV