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Exemption from approval - building notification | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Exemption from approval - building notification

Beim Genehmigungsfreistellungsverfahren wird der unteren Bauaufsichtsbehörde ein Bauvorhaben unter Vorlage der Bauunterlagen zur Kenntnis gegeben.

Certain building projects within the scope of a qualified development plan must be notified in the approval exemption procedure in accordance with Section 61 of the Thuringian Building Code (ThürBO), provided that there are no exemptions and exceptions from the provisions of the development plan.

In contrast to the building permit procedure, there is no obligation for the building supervisory authority or the municipality to check the planning and construction in the case of an exemption from approval. The building supervisory authority only intervenes at its own discretion during construction and subsequent use if there is a suspicion of conduct in breach of building regulations. It is obligatory to inspect building documents in the interest of the building owner and, if necessary, to request additions and corrections as a basis for proper construction.

The municipality can demand that a simplified building permit procedure be carried out in accordance with § 62 ThürBO instead of the permit exemption procedure.

Required documents Further information
Thuringian application form

The building application form is used for the notification, to be found under -> Forms

the correct type of procedure, in this case exemption from approval, must be selected (tick)

Statistical survey form Survey forms of the official statistics in Thuringia
Authorisation to submit building documents and specialist planner's certificate as a rule by seal or certificate
Building description
  • Forms
  • Project description, including building classification according to § 2 ThürBO
  • Operating description
  • Calculation of parking space / proof of parking space
  • Calculation of GRZ / GFZ / built-up area / calculation of living and usable space according to DIN 277
Current excerpt from the real estate map (cadastral plan) Geoinformation - excerpts from the real estate map
Site plan (scale not smaller than 1:500; usually 1:250)

if applicable, partial plans with:

  • Property designation
  • green areas, access roads, parking spaces
  • Buildings and other structures
  • Dimensions, including those of property boundaries
  • Height details of existing and planned terrain
  • Height classification of the structural facilities
  • Plan of distance areas and calculation of distance areas
  • All supply and disposal facilities
  • Development plan regulations
  • Legend and title block
Floor plan drawings, views, sections, possibly photos of the existing building (§ 8 ThürBauVorlVO) usually scale 1:100
Fire protection certificate (for building class 4 and 5, as well as special buildings) You will find the corresponding form under Forms
Neighbour participation / statement of the adjoining neighbours (§ 69 ThürBO) prescribed in case of deviations from neighbour-protecting regulations (§ 66 ThürBO) => signature on site plan, section and views with reference to the deviation (preferably all neighbours on the same copy)
Consent of responsible district chimney sweep master applies as recommendation, as far as not legally prescribed
Expert opinion and other proofs
  • Building ground
  • Immission forecast
  • Ventilation calculation with line diagram
Declaration on structural engineering evidence in accordance with § 65 ThürBO
  • Declaration on proof of stability (-> forms)
  • Declaration of fire protection (-> forms)
Structural engineering verification: in accordance with § 65 ThürBO, only in the case of compulsory testing (usually 2-fold)
  • Proof of stability (-> forms)
  • Fire protection certificate (-> forms)
  • Fire resistance of the components, as a list of components with comparison required and planned

In contrast to the building permit procedure, only 1 copy of the documents must be submitted. These remain with the building regulations department.

The building documents listed depend on the project applied for, only those required in each case are to be submitted. As a rule, not all of them will be required, in individual cases others may be added.

Tag Zeiten
Montag 08:00 – 12:00 und 13:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:00 – 12:00 und 13:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Mittwoch keine Sprechzeiten
Donnerstag 08:00 – 12:00 und 13:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:00 – 12:00 Uhr


Um vorherige Terminvereinbarung wird gebeten.

Services Fee
Implementation of the approval exemption procedure free of charge
  • Thuringian Ordinance on Building Documents and Notifications by Building Authorities (Thüringer Bauordnung (ThürBO))
  • Thuringian Ordinance on Building Documents (ThürBauVorlVO)
  • Notice of enforcement of the Thuringian Building Code (VollzBekThürBO)


Team Project Review District I

Am Anger 26
07743 Jena