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Marie Straubel (1865 - 1944) | Jena Geschichte Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Marie Straubel (1865 - 1944)

Born on June 30, 1865, Marie Straubel, née Kern, came from a Jewish industrialist family in Gliwice. In 1894 she married the physicist Rudolf Straubel, son of a pastor, with whom she had four sons. Prof. Straubel (1864-1943), as a scientist and business manager of the Carl Zeiss company, was one of the most outstanding personalities in the history of Jena as a city and as a company. Marie Straubel was active in the women's movement, took on social tasks and was one of the founding members of the Jena Art Association. The scientific and cultural elite of Jena met in the house of the couple in the Botzstraße.

From 1933 onwards, harassment by the National Socialists against Jews and their relatives increasingly burdened the family: Rudolf Straubel had to resign from the management of the Zeiss company because he refused to separate from his Jewish wife. In 1938, his name was removed from the university's register of lectures. The sons experienced increasing disadvantages and setbacks in their professional development. Marie Straubel was briefly imprisoned after the Reich Pogrom Night on November 10, 1938. Confiscations of family property followed.

Rudolf Straubel died in December 1943. In April 1944 Marie Straubel received the deportation order, on April 20 she took her own life.

The stumbling stone for Marie Straubel was placed at Botzstraße 10 on June 2, 2010 (initiative of the Jenaer Arbeitskreis Judentum).

Metallplatte mit Inschrift im Boden inmitten von Pflastersteinen eingelassen, daneben eine Sonnenblume
Stolperstein für Marie Straubel in der Botzstraße 10

Hier wohnte Marie Straubel, geb. Kern, Jg. 1864, vor Deportation Flucht in den Tod 20.4.1944.

Stumbling block Marie Straubel

Botzstraße 10
07743 Jena