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Entry and residence for the purpose of vocational training | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Entry and residence for the purpose of vocational training

You are very welcome to the German training market. By entering your country of origin in the configurator, you can find out more about your personal conditions for entry and residence with regard to your nationality.

The free movement of workers applies to citizens of EU and EEA countries. This means that you are entitled to settle in any EU country of your choice and start training. You do not need a residence permit to do this.

As a Swiss citizen or family member of a Swiss citizen, you will receive the right of residence-CH as an electronic residence permit and may also take up training in Germany.

If your country of origin is outside the EU or EEA, in most cases you will need an appropriate visa to enter the country. If you would like to start vocational training, apply for a visa for gainful employment in accordance with §18 at German embassies or consulates in your country of origin.


The visa will be issued if you can already present a training offer from a German company. Your working conditions must not differ from those of German trainees.

For your visa, you must also prove that your livelihood is secured during your training and that you have a good command of German. In addition to your school-based or company-based training, you may therefore also work 10 hours a week in a job that has nothing to do with your training.

In the case of school-based vocational training, you will also need a letter of invitation from the school or a host family confirming that accommodation and meals will be provided for you.

After arrival

Once you have arrived in Germany, you must apply for a residence permit at the local immigration office in Germany, even if you were able to enter the country without a visa under the regulations of your country of origin.

In the case of school-based vocational training, you will receive a residence permit in accordance with Section 16 (5) of the Residence Act. If you are starting company-based training, you will apply for a residence permit in accordance with § 17 of the Residence Act.

You may only start your company-based training if your residence permit expressly allows you to take up employment. To do this, the Federal Employment Agency must approve your training, unless you are a graduate of a German school abroad or the training you have chosen does not require approval.

You can find out whether the training or further training you are planning requires approval from the immigration authority responsible for your future place of residence.

Entry and residence to look for training

Young people under the age of 25 who have German language skills of at least level B2 and a higher education entrance qualification or a qualification from a German school abroad can apply for a visa in accordance with the Skilled Immigration Act in order to look for a training place. The stay is then permitted for up to 6 months. Their livelihood must be secured during this time.


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