Commercial team
Tasks of the Trade Licensing Office
- Enforcement/monitoring of the trade regulations, processing of trade notifications (trade registration, trade re-registration, trade deregistration), keeping the trade register
- Providing information from the trade register
- Issuing licenses in accordance with the trade regulations (§§ 33 ff.; 34 ff.; 55 ff; 69 GewO)
- Revocation and withdrawal procedures for the aforementioned permits, procedures to prevent commercial activities without the required permit (Section 15 GewO)
- Enforcement/monitoring of catering regulations (ThürGastG, SperrzeitVO)
- Enforcement/monitoring of gambling regulations (ThürGlüG, ThürSpielhallenG, GlüStV, SpielV)
- Enforcement/monitoring of the Thuringian Shop Opening Act and price indication law
- Enforcement/monitoring of the Thuringian Public Holidays Act
- Enforcement/monitoring of chimney sweep law (SchHwG, KÜO) and supervision (measures) of authorized district chimney sweeps
- Enforcement/monitoring of ancillary trade laws and regulations (including ThürNRSchutzG, TextilKG, DL-InfoV, MaBV, VerstV, BewachV, PfandlV, FinVermV)
- Enforcement / monitoring tasks in the areas of craft and illegal employment law
- Implementation of warning and initiation of fine proceedings
- Exercising rights to information and access (including under the GewO, ThürGastG, ThürLadÖffG, ThürSpielhallenG,)
- Control/enforcement/enforcement actions by field staff
Services for
- Property developers and building supervisors - register business
- Registering a security business
- Financial services - register business
- Registering a restaurant business
- Deregistering a business
- Registering a business
- Registering a new business
- Central trade register - apply for an extract
- Real estate agent, real estate manager, property developer - apply for a license
- Market fixing / markets
- Applying for a pawnbroker's license
- Registering a traveling trade - traveling trade card
- Chimney sweep trade
- Gambling hall / commercial gambling
- Insurance broker / insurance intermediary - register business
- Register auctioneer business
belongs to
Municipal Order Department