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Commercial team | Jena <strong>rathaus</strong> Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Commercial team

Tasks of the Trade Licensing Office

  1. Enforcement/monitoring of the trade regulations, processing of trade notifications (trade registration, trade re-registration, trade deregistration), keeping the trade register
  2. Providing information from the trade register
  3. Issuing licenses in accordance with the trade regulations (§§ 33 ff.; 34 ff.; 55 ff; 69 GewO)
  4. Revocation and withdrawal procedures for the aforementioned permits, procedures to prevent commercial activities without the required permit (Section 15 GewO)
  5. Enforcement/monitoring of catering regulations (ThürGastG, SperrzeitVO)
  6. Enforcement/monitoring of gambling regulations (ThürGlüG, ThürSpielhallenG, GlüStV, SpielV)
  7. Enforcement/monitoring of the Thuringian Shop Opening Act and price indication law
  8. Enforcement/monitoring of the Thuringian Public Holidays Act
  9. Enforcement/monitoring of chimney sweep law (SchHwG, KÜO) and supervision (measures) of authorized district chimney sweeps
  10. Enforcement/monitoring of ancillary trade laws and regulations (including ThürNRSchutzG, TextilKG, DL-InfoV, MaBV, VerstV, BewachV, PfandlV, FinVermV)
  11. Enforcement / monitoring tasks in the areas of craft and illegal employment law
  12. Implementation of warning and initiation of fine proceedings
  13. Exercising rights to information and access (including under the GewO, ThürGastG, ThürLadÖffG, ThürSpielhallenG,)
  14. Control/enforcement/enforcement actions by field staff

Services for

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Municipal Order Department


Commercial team

Am Anger 28, 1. OG
07743 Jena