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Emergency calls | Jena Rathaus Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Emergency calls

Here you can find an overview of the emergency numbers for Jena in case of an accident, fire, average or other emergency.

The most important details are:

  • What happened?
  • Where did it happen?
  • Who reports?
  • How many injured?

Now please wait for further inquiries.

Contact person Phone number
Jena Police Department 0049 3641 81-0

Emergency call

  • life-threatening illnesses
  • life-threatening injuries or fires
  • traffic accidents
  • serious accidents
Emergency fax for the hearing impaired (PDF) 0049 3641 44-2811

Medical on-call service

  • registered doctors who treat patients in urgent medical cases on an outpatient basis(also ophthalmologists, dentists, veterinarians, appointments for specialists, etc.)

Jena Fire Department

  • Reporting of averages, water penetration in the house/cellar
  • dead animals in public traffic area
0049 3641 4040

Patient transport

  • Registration of a scheduled transport with medical prescription
0049 3641 5976-30
Child and youth helpline
  • Children and adolescents can call here at any time for advice, help and information in a current crisis or if they are having problems
0049 800 - 0080080 (free of charge)
Emergency call for women in acute violent situations (Jenaer Frauenhaus e.V.) 0049 177 4787052
Dentist on-call service
  • weekdays 18 - 19 o'clock
  • weekends & holidays: 9 - 11 a.m. and 6 - 7 p.m.
0049 1805 908077 or 0049 3641 5976-20
Technical assistance of the fire department
  • Opening and closing doors (if your locksmith is not available)
  • Pump out water pipe / cellar
  • Locking doors and windows (e.g. after burglary)
  • Animals in distress / animal carcass service (dead animal)

Further services according to information from the control center.

0049 3641 404-0

24-hour emergency service Stadtwerke Jena Netze GmbH

  • District heating, electricity, water, waste water
  • Gas
0049 3641 688-888
0049 800 0688-886 (gas)
Nationwide toll-free emergency number for card blocking
  • EC cards
  • Credit cards
  • mobile phone cards
  • electronic signature cards etc.
116 116
Lost ID card - block online ID card function 116 116
Telephone helpline

0800 1110 111

0800 1110 222

Weißer Ring e.V.

Crime victim emergency call and information telephone nationwide


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0049 3641 222 844