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Through its offers and support services, Kommunalservice Jena provides children and adults with responsible content for the sustainable and resource-conserving development of our environment.
We stand for an attractive city and forest image and a Jena worth living in - today and a little better every day. That is why we call on people to get actively involved with us and turn ideas into reality.
We support daycare centers, schools, clubs and volunteers with forest and waste education programs and/or cleaning campaigns.
The KSJ has also launched another recruitment pilot project with its extended offer to exchange reusable items (Tauschhaus). People with disabilities are not only part of the workforce, but are also responsible for a range of services in the form of so-called company-integrated jobs (external jobs), which are difficult to fill through conventional recruitment, e.g. in the areas of service, gardening or electronic waste.
Twelve colleagues with disabilities are now working there independently within the workforce.
Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) wants to help avoid waste and enable reuse. Old things find new owners at the KSJ's swap house. Mascot Freddy from Science City Jena Basketball dug deep into his moth box during the vacation season and brought all kinds of useful items. There were some real gems to be found on site, which you can take away for free. Take a look for yourself - the staff at Saale Betreuungswerk look forward to your visit! - Watch the video
The Tauschhaus is located on the grounds of the KSJ. Two house containers with visitor parking spaces offer a free platform for exchanging used media.
Monday - Friday 10 a.m. - 5 p.m
Items that are no longer needed but in good condition can be handed in free of charge. These are for example
Items for private use can be taken from the swap house free of charge. The swap house gives citizens the opportunity to exchange items they no longer need. Every day we notice that particularly sought-after items, such as children's books and toys, historical editions such as old encyclopaedias or cookery books and even specialist books quickly find new owners. Anyone interested will find a very varied and constantly changing selection here.
Do you have any questions? This is how you can reach us: Tel. (03641) 4989-500 | e-mail: vertrieb-ksj@jena.de
Sustainability in action: 82% reuse!
In 2024, around 57 tons of goods were passed on - this not only saves resources, but also €6,000 in disposal costs!
Particularly impressive: 41% of the items handed in were books.
A real contribution to the circular economy!
23.000 visitors in 2024
Our swap shop is a complete success - around 23,000 people visited it in 2024!
Together, we are creating a sustainable alternative to throwing things away.
Sustainability that works: 120 tons of CO₂ saved
By reusing 57 tons of household items, including around 28 tons of books, we were able to save around 120 tons of CO₂.
This corresponds to the annual emissions of 60 average cars (13,000km; 6l gasoline consumption)!
Where does this figure come from?
The production of a book (300 pages) causes approx. 1.2 kg of CO₂ per kg.
Household items (e.g. vases, cutlery, glasses) save a total of approx. 3 kg CO₂ per kg when reused.
(Sources: co2online, Öko-Institut e.V., European Environment Agency, Federal Environment Agency)
Conclusion: Every reuse counts! Thanks to everyone who takes part.
Would you like to be able to do something concrete in your everyday life to make life easier for urban trees in your area? We, the Kommunalservice Jena tree care department, would like to give you a few suggestions and introduce you to the concept of tree sponsorship.
Nobody needs to worry about being overburdened by taking on a tree sponsorship! This is because the duty of care for the sponsored tree remains with the city even if a sponsorship exists, so that the sponsor does not have to worry about the stability of their tree or carry out extensive maintenance work, pruning or similar on the tree themselves.
Even with relatively small maintenance measures, tree sponsors can make it noticeably easier for "their" tree to survive in the city:
Becoming a sponsor is "child's play":
Not only individuals can sponsor trees, but also families, schools, clubs, kindergartens, etc.
What a tree sponsor can do for "their" tree is agreed in the sponsorship contract and depends on the personal possibilities and interests of the individual person(s).
If you would like to add a litter collection campaign to the environmental education topics covered in your educational institution, or if you simply want to keep our city clean, we will be happy to support you.
The KSJ provides you with gripping tongs as a "helping hand" and specially marked bin bags (ant stickers) for this campaign. The rental is always on a weekly basis.
Please place the full bin liners in public litter bins or at glass container locations so that the 'ant sticker' is clearly visible. Then inform us of the locations by e-mail umweltbildung-ksj@jena.de so that our employees can collect the bags quickly.
Please return the grab bags to the KSJ Service Center at Löbstedter Straße 56.
Please register your campaign with us at least five working days in advance by e-mail umweltbildung-ksj@jena.de. The following information is required:
We will then get in touch with you.
Collecting corks for crane conservation
Since July 2022, corks from wine bottles can be handed in at the Recycling Center North to support the protection of cranes. Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) is registered as a secondary collection point for corks with NABU-Hamburg. By recycling valuable cork material, you help to preserve cork oak forests in the wintering areas of the cranes and obtain ecological insulation material - a benefit for nature, the environment and the climate.
Successful collection record: 500 kilograms of cork collected
At the end of November 2024, colleagues from the KSJ handed over a large quantity of collected corks to Naturschutzjugend Jena (NAJU). An impressive 500 kilograms of cork material have been collected since the campaign began in 2022 - that's the equivalent of over 20,000 bottle caps! The NAJU uses the collected corks for environmental education projects and creative activities that promote awareness of recycling and resource conservation.
This collection volume is made up as follows:
Collect and hand in - it's that easy
Corks can be placed in the brown collection garbage can provided during the opening hours of the Recycling Center North. The garbage can is emptied regularly and the contents handed over to the NAJU. The campaign not only promotes environmental protection, but also the knowledge and handling of recycling and resource conservation.
The collection continues - also in 2025
The KSJ would like to thank all supporters and looks forward to many more hard-working collectors. Together, we are making an important contribution to environmental and species protection.
Since February 2022, bottle tops and jars made of tinplate can be handed in at the recycling centers of Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ) in specially marked collection garbage cans, the so-called "treasure boxes". The "crown caps" campaign enables everyone to support regional projects with a little passion for collecting and at the same time actively contribute to recycling.
The idea came from Jena vocational school teacher Shabnam Staudt, who submitted it as part of the Citizens' Budget 2022. The KSJ immediately implemented the concept - even before it was put to the vote. The "treasure chests" are located at the recycling centers at Löbstedter Straße 56 and Emil-Wölk-Straße 13a in Jena. In addition to citizens, initiatives and companies are also involved in this good cause.
The quantities collected have increased year on year:
2022: 1,043 kg of crown caps (donation to the Jena Children's Aid Foundation)
2023: 1.955 kg of crown caps (donation to Jena Hospice)
But the absolute record year was 2024, in which 6.883 tons of crown caps were collected - 3.5 times the amount from the previous year! This corresponds to around 7 million bottle caps and represents a milestone for the project. The proceeds from the collection of €1,896.29 were handed over at the Ronald McDonald House in Jena on January 29, 2025.
Thanks to the donors:
Special thanks to all supporters who made this impressive sum from 2024 possible:
Moving on: Support for the Naturschutzjugend Jena (NAJU)
The crown cork collection remains a real community campaign! The KSJ covers the handling costs, while the amount of the donation is calculated based on the amount of scrap. Current donation target: From now on, the collection will be for the Naturschutzjugend Jena (NAJU), the youth organization of the Naturschutzbund. The proceeds will be handed over in January 2026 to support their valuable work in nature conservation.
Join in - every crown cap counts!