Construction management

The Construction and Quality Management department

  • municipal engineering structures such as bridges, retaining walls, stairs and stream piping, from inspection, maintenance and renovation to the planning of new buildings, preparation, organization and monitoring of construction work, acceptance and warranty monitoring.
  • supervises the road and path construction projects of the city of Jena from the preparation and implementation of the tender, awarding of contracts, supervision of the timely and high-quality execution of the construction work, acceptance and warranty monitoring.
  • supervision and control of road construction work in development areas and third-party measures such as Jenaer Nahverkehrsgesellschaft, Stadtwerke Jena and Zweckverband Jena Wasser.
  • the planning, construction and maintenance of structures along water bodies of the II. Order, municipal watercourses and ditches, the maintenance and repair of the extinguishing water cisterns and ponds, the care and maintenance of the outlying ditches to prevent heavy rainfall events and the care and maintenance of the water wall sites along the Saale to promote tourism and recreation.

Construction and quality management

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena

Areas of responsibility in detail

The tasks of construction management include

  • Preparation and implementation of public meetings and contacts with citizens as part of the implementation of the respective projects, participation in meetings of the city lockdown commission
  • Preparation and implementation of public tenders
  • Carrying out the awarding of construction work in the commission or urban development committee or in the city council
  • Commissioning the services to the most economical bidder
  • responsible management of road construction projects in accordance with the ThürStraßenG, the applicable funding decisions and regulations of the City of Jena and the VOB (German Construction Contract Procedures)
  • Monitoring compliance with construction regulations and health and safety requirements
  • Supplementary management
  • Coordination of performance limits with the companies involved
  • Acceptance of the services provided and warranty monitoring
  • Invoicing of the road construction services provided
  • Participation in administrative court hearings in the event of disputes
  • Preparatory work for the road development contributions department
  • Participation in the dedication of new roads
  • Examination and preparation of PPP (Public Private Partnership) models

The tasks of construction supervision of development areas include

  • Monitoring compliance with the provisions of the development contracts
  • Construction and warranty monitoring
  • Taking over the construction project and associated documentation

The construction supervision tasks of other utility companies (Kommunalservice Jena, Jenaer Nahverkehrsgesellschaft, Stadtwerke Jena-Pößneck and the Zweckverband JenaWasser) include

  • Supervision and control of road construction work
  • Monitoring compliance with the contract specifications
  • Coordination with the departments/specialist services involved (e.g. urban development, urban planning, environmental protection, land management, etc.) and in-house operations (Kommunale Immobilien Jena, JenaKultur)
  • Determining the fee assessment areas and checking the fee notices
  • Checking the submitted inventory documents
  • Checking and invoicing of annual service contracts
  • Acceptance of services rendered, documents and their control

Our employees supervise all municipal structures on public roads to ensure that they meet the requirements of public safety and order, in particular the recognized rules of architecture and technology. The planning of new buildings is also carried out here on the basis of the traffic planning specifications, from the design planning to the invitation to tender, the awarding of contracts and the supervision of the construction work.

Interdepartmental structural engineering assessments are provided for projects of the City of Jena or third parties as required.

The existing stock of bridges, retaining walls, stairs and stream piping is constantly monitored and maintained in accordance with the applicable regulations. Necessary renovations or replacement measures are planned and implemented.

Maintenance and development

There are 30 second-order watercourses (streams) in the city of Jena. They cover a total length of approx. 70 km.

The banks of the watercourses, including their fortifications and vegetation, as well as the riparian areas, are protected by law. The riparian area of second-order watercourses is defined as the area adjacent to the watercourse within a width of 5 m from the top edge of the embankment.

The aim of watercourse maintenance is to create and maintain a near-natural state of the watercourse.

The construction, modification or removal of structures and buildings on, in, under or above surface waters and in the bank area requires the approval of the water authority.

Our employees are responsible for

  • regularly monitor and organize the maintenance of water bodies
  • Monitoring, operation and maintenance of structures in watercourses
  • regular monitoring of the tree population, maintenance and renewal of site-appropriate riparian trees and shrubs, taking into account the obligation to ensure traffic safety

Construction and quality management

Löbstedter Straße 68
07749 Jena