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You have lost a loved one - It is difficult to lose someone and we know how much pain, suffering and grief is associated with a death in the family or among friends.
We would like to introduce ourselves to you as a companion and provide you with advice and support, professionally and with a great deal of compassion. During the difficult time of mourning, we offer you our comprehensive support, dignified care and a feeling of security.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 16:00
and by appointment
We would like to introduce ourselves as a helper at your side. During the difficult time of mourning, we offer you our comprehensive support, dignified care and a feeling of security. With a great deal of compassion, we will advise and support you in all upcoming tasks.
We are there for you when you need us!
Over the last 100 years, the Jena funeral home has developed into a modern funeral home with a comprehensive range of services. Our many years of experience guarantee good service.
Our tolerant house is open to people of all denominations as well as to people without religious affiliation.
In the bright, friendly building at Paradiesstraße 3, our experienced staff conduct discussions and arrangements with the bereaved with sensitivity and in a personal, familiar atmosphere.
Free parking is available for visitors on the premises of the funeral home. Access is possible from Paradiesstraße 3 (opposite the Stoyschule) and from the bus station parking lot.
We have modern equipment and vehicles.
Bestattungshaus Jena is a member of the Landesverband and the Bundesverband Deutscher Bestatter e.V.
The history of burial culture goes back a long way. The deceased have always been consigned to the earth, fire or water in solemn rites. You can read a lot about the cemeteries and burials in the history of Jena.
Over the last 100 years, the Jena funeral home has developed from a traditional funeral home into a modern funeral home with a comprehensive range of services. Our many years of experience guarantee good service.
In 1881, the Jena funeral home "Pietät" was founded by Mr. Alfred Pilling. As a master carpenter, he combined his own coffin workshop with the services of a funeral home. At the turn of the century, Bernhard Pilling took over the business.
In this year, the company opened new premises at Leutrastrasse 19 on Eichplatz.
Today, the "neue mitte" is located on this site.
Funeral notice from 1923
According to archive material, this company existed until 1949.
Municipal funeral home
The funeral home then became municipal property, but was still located in Leutrastrasse and over the next few years became part of various municipal facilities as the "Cemetery and Funeral Services" department.
Due to the construction of the university tower block and the planned demolition of all buildings in Leutrastrasse, the company moved to "Am Planetarium" 13 (offices on the first floor) in 1971
At the same time, the company was taken over by the former "VEB Stadtwirtschaft Jena".
the "Bestattungshaus Jena" was located at Frauengasse 4.
our new domicile at Paradiesstraße 3 (opposite the Stoyschule) offers a pleasant atmosphere for arrangements and guests in the mourning circle.
Opening hours
Monday to Friday
08:00 - 16:00
and by appointment