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Changes in the purpose of residence | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Changes in the purpose of residence

Changes in the purpose of residence primarily affect the residence status of nationals from countries that are not part of the EU or EEA.

All residence permits are subject to certain conditions and can be revoked or become invalid under certain circumstances.

You must therefore always inform the immigration authority of any personal changes and apply to change your residence permit. The application is not always granted, as the purpose of residence can only be changed within a defined framework.

Please note that all requirements for the new purpose-related residence permit must be met.

You can use the configurator to find out your individual entry and residence requirements for the purpose of tourism.

The following regulations do not apply to nationals of privileged third countries, who are generally allowed to enter Germany without a visa and always apply for the relevant residence permit in Germany.

Extending a visit

Tourist stays cannot be extended, regardless of whether you have entered the country for a certain period without a visa or with a Schengen visa. Even if you have entered the country for a longer stay with a national visa, you will be required to leave the country after the visa expires.

If a serious illness demonstrably prevents you from leaving the country as planned, the immigration authority will agree to an extended stay until you are fit to travel again.

Changing the purpose of your stay

You are not allowed to change the purpose of your stay for tourist purposes. This means that if you want to take up work or training in Germany or live in Germany after getting married, you will always need to re-enter the country with the appropriate visa.

You can use the configurator to find out your individual entry and residence requirements for the purpose of attending school.

If you have graduated from a German school, you have access to the German training and job market as well as to German universities.

Changes for students on an intensive language course

If you entered Germany with a language course visa and announced your intention to study when you applied for your visa, this can later be converted into a student visa.

If you have not done this, your stay for the purpose of an intensive language course cannot be converted into another purpose of stay. At the end of the language course, you will be required to leave the country.

For subsequent studies, you would have to re-enter the country with a corresponding visa.

You can use the configurator to find out your individual entry and residence requirements for the purpose of vocational training.

As a trainee with a corresponding residence permit, your stay is limited to the duration of your training.

Training successfully completed

If you would like to work in your training occupation after successfully completing your training, your stay can be extended for up to one year under certain conditions.

During this time, you can look for a job appropriate to your qualification, provided that it can be filled by foreign nationals, and you may work without restriction.

You may also take part in further training as part of your employment. If you wish to study and meet all the necessary requirements, you can apply for a corresponding residence permit from the Foreigners' Registration Office.

Training not successfully completed

Under certain conditions, the Immigration Office may approve a change of training. Find out about this in advance from the relevant local authorities.

You can use the configurator to find out your individual entry and residence requirements for the purpose of studying.

Changes for university applicants

The residence permit of applicants who are attending a preparatory course in Germany can be converted into a residence permit for the purpose of studying without having to re-enter and re-enter the country.

Change of subject

You will receive a residence permit to study a specific subject. If you wish to change your field of study during your studies, this original purpose of residence no longer applies. A change of subject is often possible during the first 3 semesters.

Whether a change of purpose of residence is permitted at a later date is decided by the relevant immigration authority. The change of subject may make it necessary to renew the declaration of commitment regarding the financing of your studies.


After completing your Bachelor's degree, a short waiting period is not a problem if you can present a new certificate of enrolment to the immigration authority when you start your Master's degree.

However, your purpose of residence expires when you complete your Master's degree. Your studies will be deemed to have ended when you have a certificate of completion. If you are about to be de-registered, please contact the Foreigners' Registration Office in good time.

With the approval of the Foreigners' Registration Office, you can also take up further studies after successfully completing your degree.


If you wish to pursue a doctorate immediately after graduation, your residence permit can be changed accordingly. If the doctorate does not follow immediately, you can apply for a residence permit to look for work. If you look for work again after your doctorate, a residence permit will be issued for one year minus the time already spent.

Work after graduation

After graduation, you can apply for a residence permit to look for work for a maximum of one year. The new job must be appropriate to your degree and provide you with a livelihood. Any gainful employment is permitted during your search.

If you find a suitable job, your residence permit for the purpose of studying can be converted into a residence permit for employment purposes. If you are unable to find suitable employment, your residence permit must be terminated.

You can use the configurator to find out your individual entry and residence requirements for the purpose of work.

Your residence permit is usually limited to the duration of your employment. If you or your employer terminate the employment relationship prematurely or on time, it is at the discretion of the immigration authority whether you can remain in Germany to take up another job. An additional factor is whether the residence permit permits gainful employment in general or explicit employment with a specific employee.

In principle, the approval of the immigration authority also depends on whether your employment is subject to the approval of the Federal Employment Agency and whether this has been granted.

Changes for highly qualified workers

In principle, you may give up your job in Germany in favor of another one. However, any change of job within the first 2 years of your stay must be expressly permitted by the Foreigners' Registration Office. Permission will be granted if all the requirements of Section 19a (1) of the Residence Act are met.

If you or your employer terminate the employment relationship prematurely or on time, you must notify the immigration authority. The EU Blue Card remains valid for a period of 3 months, provided it does not contain any resolutory conditions.

You then have 3 months to find a new job. If you have not found a new suitable job, it is up to your personal circumstances and at the discretion of the immigration authority whether you can be granted another residence permit.

Changes for researchers

Once you have completed your research work, your residence permit can be extended for up to 9 months if you wish to look for a job that matches your qualifications.

You are entitled to work during this period. If you do not find suitable work during this period that allows you to earn your own living, your stay must be terminated.

Changes for au pairs

The residence permit for au pairscan be changed to another purpose of residence after 1 year in Germany. The prerequisite is that there is a reason for education. This means that you can attend an internship, voluntary service or a language course or take up studies if all the necessary requirements are met.

However, you can only start vocational training or work if the responsible Federal Employment Agency agrees.

Changes for interns

At the end of your internship, you can only remain in Germany if your stay has an educational background. This means that you can attend an internship, a voluntary service or a language course or take up studies if all the necessary requirements are met.

On the other hand, you can only start vocational training or work if the responsible Federal Employment Agency agrees.

You can use the configurator to find out about your individual entry requirements for the purpose of family immigration.

Coming of age

Family reunification of or with adult children is only possible with difficulty.

If you are already in Germany and your right of residence is dependent on a parent, you have the option of establishing your own right of residence for the purpose of training or studying, work or asylum when you reach the age of 18.


If your residence in Germany is based on your gainful employment, this is not jeopardized by your pregnancy. Your stay can be extended. If you need financial help in this situation, you can turn to advice services provided by the city or independent organizations.

If the father of your child is a German citizen, this gives you a right of residence. If the child has not yet been born and your residence permit expires, you are entitled to a tolerated stay or fictitious certificate until the birth. After the birth, you can apply for a new residence permit.

Changes due to death

In the event of the death of the original beneficiary, under certain conditions the residence permit is converted into an independent right of residence for the purpose of family reunification of the spouse. If the partnership still existed at the time of death, the independent right of residence will be extended for one year. A further extension is based on the generally applicable principles.

separation and divorce

If your right of residence is based on your marriage, you may lose it in the event of divorce or separation if the marriage has been in existence for less than 3 years. This period relates to the period during which you and your partner have actually lived together as husband and wife in Germany. Periods with a residence permit or tolerated stay are not taken into account.

You can only obtain an independent right of residence after this period. If you separate after this period, your residence permit will be extended by 1 year in accordance with § 31 of the Residence Act. A further extension is usually only granted if you are independent of social benefits.

The period of 3 years is only irrelevant if there are particular hardships.