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Medical professions - Registration | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Medical professions - Registration

Nach den Vorschriften des öffentlichen Heilberuferechts sowie der Verordnung über den öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst ist jede/-r Kammerangehörige und Heilpraktiker/-in verpflichtet, ihre/seine berufliche Tätigkeit beim örtlich zuständigen Gesundheitsamt anzumelden, ggf. auch um- oder abzumelden.

Obligation to notify when taking up professional activity

If you wish to work as a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, psychological psychotherapist, child and youth psychotherapist or non-medical practitioner in Jena, you must notify the Health Department by submitting the following documents

  • the licence to practise as a doctor, dentist, pharmacist, psychological psychotherapist, child and youth psychotherapist or
  • the permission to use the professional title "Heilpraktiker/in" (non-medical practitioner), "Heilpraktiker/in, beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Psychotherapie" (non-medical practitioner, limited to the field of psychotherapy), "Heilpraktiker/in, beschränkt auf das Gebiet der Physiotherapie" (non-medical practitioner, limited to the field of physiotherapy).

without delay. You can use the registration form under "Downloads" for this purpose.

Duty of notification in the event of changes in professional activity

Changes in professional practice, e.g. change of establishment, relocation of practice, formation of joint practices or termination of professional practice must also be notified to the Fachdienst Gesundheit without delay. This can be done informally by e-mail to the contact address below.

Registration of foreign language skills

Under "Downloads" you will find a form for recording foreign language skills of medical professions. This information will be processed within the framework of a health guide for migrants and refugees - created under the auspices of the representative for migration and integration of the city of Jena.

You are not obliged to fill out this form. The information you provide is completely voluntary. By sending the document, you agree that your data may be processed electronically and published on the website of the city of Jena and in the above-mentioned health guide. This consent can be revoked by you at any time.

Aktuell können im Fachdienst Gesundheit wieder Begutachtungen durchgeführt werden. Hierfür vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin bei uns über den unten stehenden Ansprechpartner.

The registration, change or deregistration is free of charge.

  • Paragraph 2(2) of the Thuringia Health Professions Act
  • Paragraph 7(1) of the Verordnung über den öffentlichen Gesundheitsdienst und die Aufgaben der Gesundheitsämter in den Landkreisen und kreisfreien Städte (Order on the public health service and the tasks of the public health authorities in the rural districts and independent towns).
Official Medical Service Team

Lutherplatz 3
07743 Jena