Contacts in the healthcare sector
In addition to your health insurance company, doctors and pharmacies are the first port of call for health issues. If you fall seriously ill outside regular opening hours, you should contact an emergency contact. They will also be able to tell you which doctor's surgery and pharmacy are open in an emergency.
Foreign language skills
In the download area there is an overview of Jena doctors, dentists, therapists, midwives and pharmacies who have declared their foreign language skills to the city. Of course, many more people in the healthcare professions have foreign language skills. Always enquire in person.
Interpreting services are generally not available for conversations between doctor and patient. If no linguistic solution can be found, analog or digital communication aids may have to be used.
With the University Hospital Jena, patients have a total of 26 clinics at their disposal. However, the hospital is only a direct point of contact for patients in absolute emergencies.
If you need medical help in Jena, please contact a doctor in private practice. If necessary, they will refer you to a specialist or the hospital for further treatment.
At the pharmacy, you can get free advice from specialists on which medication is recommended for you. The pharmacy team knows the individual ingredients and knows whether a medication is suitable for you, e.g. whether it is halal.
You will also be given advice on how to use it, which medications you can take at the same time and when you should consult a doctor.
Many medicines may only be dispensed to you by pharmacies with a prescription. You will receive a prescription from your doctor if he or she considers it necessary to take such medication.
Pharmacies are evenly distributed in every town and at least one is also open at night as an emergency service. You can recognize all pharmacies by the uniform symbol, a red A.
You can obtain some medicines free of charge with your prescription. Others are only partially covered by your health insurance. If your income is particularly low, you can apply to your health insurance company for exemption from co-payment.
There are also a large number of medications that you have to pay for in full. You can sometimes obtain these without a doctor's prescription. Some are only available in pharmacies, others can be bought in drugstores or even supermarkets.
Counseling centers
There are several advice centers in Jena that can help you free of charge with health issues and related problems. In conflict situations, you can always seek advice anonymously.
The counseling services in the city also include services specifically for families, pregnant women and young mothers. Other topics include addictions, psychosocial illnesses, care needs and financing treatment. People with disabilities also receive additional advice.