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Study for refugees | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Study for refugees

The requirements for studying at a German university are the same for refugees as for all other applicants. You need a university entrance qualification.

If you do not have access to your certificates, there are other procedures to determine your suitability. You can still be admitted to study by means of an entrance examination, interviews, a case-by-case assessment or a declaration "in lieu of an oath". For more detailed information on the procedure, please contact your future university.

Like all other foreign students, you must provide proof of your German language skills in the approved test procedures. If you would like to study an international degree course, you must in most cases have a sufficiently good knowledge of English.

It is compulsory to take out independent health insurance. In addition, you must prove that you can finance yourself without receiving social benefits.

Existing residence restrictions can be lifted upon application to the Aliens' Registration Office once you have been awarded a place on a course.

With a residence permit you are allowed to study under the above-mentioned conditions. While you are receiving basic benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act, you are not a member of a health insurance fund. Additional registration is therefore necessary.

After 15 months of residence, you will receive benefits in accordance with § 2 of the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act in accordance with the provisions of SGB XII. These benefits may not be used to finance your studies. You will need a source of funding, possibly your own job.

Studying with a form of protection

The same applies as in the period with a residence permit if you are entitled to asylum or recognized refugee, subsidiary or national protection. In principle, you are allowed to study, but you may not receive benefits under SGB II at the same time.

Studying with toleration

If you are in Germany with a tolerated stay permit, the same conditions apply as during the period with a residence permit. You are only excluded from studying if your tolerated stay permit contains the additional provision "Studying prohibited".

You can take advantage of every opportunity to prepare for your studies. Many universities offer prospective students advice and assessment of certificates.

Information days specifically for refugees and general integration offers take place regularly. Free guest student programs or taster courses are often offered, which you can attend to prepare for your studies.

The costs are sometimes covered by the universities and private donors. Some universities offer DSH courses for a fee, which prepare you for the German exam, which is important for your studies, in up to 2 semesters. Participants are enrolled as Studienkollegiaten.

The fees for language tests are sometimes covered by the universities or the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD. You can also prepare for your studies by gaining admission to the Studienkolleg.


In Germany, students are not allowed to finance their studies with social benefits. For this reason, many students take on part-time student jobs or work to a permitted extent.

Some universities try to support refugee students financially by covering all or part of their semester fees or transportation costs.

There are more than 2,000 scholarship providers in Germany who support students, particularly in advanced semesters. The individual service agreement is negotiated by contract. Scholarships are non-repayable.

If you are unable to finance yourself, you can take out a student loan. Please note that you will have to repay this money at a certain point in time and additional interest costs will be incurred.

Federal Training Assistance Act BAföG

As a refugee student, you can receive BAföG benefits under the generally applicable conditions if you meet one of the following requirements. You will receive funding in accordance with BAföG if you are

  • are entitled to asylum, recognized refugee or subsidiary protection.
  • are in Germany with a residence permit for family reasons in accordance with §§ 30 - 34 and your parents or spouse have a settlement permit.
  • have been in Germany for at least 15 months and have a tolerated stay permit or a humanitarian residence permit in accordance with § 25 Paragraph 3, § 25 Paragraph 4 Sentence 2 or § 25 Paragraph 5. The same applies to you if you have a residence permit for family reasons in accordance with §§ 30 to 34.
  • have a residence permit and have already been in Germany for 5 years and have already worked for 5 years or one parent has been employed in Germany for at least 3 years in the last 6 years. This condition effectively excludes you from receiving the grant.

BAföG training grants are only available on application. You can apply for this after 15 months of residence at the earliest. You must repay part of the benefits received at a certain point in time.

Links to

5 steps to studying

  • Special interests and skills
  • previous knowledge
  • Suitable organization of the course
  • ...
  • Gain an overview of courses on offer
  • Use university information days
  • Study fair
  • Websites of the universities
  • Counseling services
  • ...
  • Admission requirements at the university
  • Language skills, if applicable
  • Numerus Clausus, if applicable
  • ...
  • Do I meet all the admission requirements?
  • Financing the course
  • Travel costs, if applicable
  • Housing situation at the university, if applicable
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Seek expert help / have it proofread
  • ...