Traffic order

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Traffic order Löbstedter Str.
Traffic order Löbstedter Str.

A traffic order has been issued for Löbstedter Straße, which has already been successfully implemented in part by the Kommunalservice Jena (ksj) roadworks department. The aim of these measures is to significantly improve road safety for all road users, especially pedestrians and cyclists. As part of these measures, the building yard carried out extensive work to create a new sidewalk in the Bowling Roma area: Excavating the verge, resetting kerbs, laying rectangular paving and adjusting the blacktop.

In addition, Löbstedter Straße will be designated as a one-way street out of town after the entrance to Scholz Recycling GmbH. This is done by means of the signs "One-way street" and "No through traffic" in combination with the additional sign that allows cyclists to use the road in both directions.

A new footpath will be marked on the side of the railroad tracks to provide pedestrians with more space and ensure that vehicles can only travel in one direction. The ksj will install the necessary traffic signs in parallel with the marking work. The work will be completed shortly and will then ensure a permanently improved traffic situation. From the Scholz company onwards, the road will be a one-way street and the previously missing footpath will also be marked. Löbstedter Straße out of town will now permanently remain a one-way street in this section, ensuring safe and smooth traffic flow for everyone involved.

Jena, August 14, 2024