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Jena popular with international specialists - with restrictions | Jena Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Jena popular with international specialists - with restrictions


Study examines international life in Jena - intentions to stay uncertain

People with a migration background generally feel at home in Jena. Nevertheless, almost half of them are unsure whether they really want to stay in the city in the long term. This is one of the key findings of a study conducted by the Halle Center for Social Research, which was commissioned by the Department of Economic Development and the Department of Urban Development and Environment. The results were presented at an online conference on Monday.

Jena is and will remain a cosmopolitan and intercultural city in which everyone should feel comfortable and welcome,

said Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche.

The administration, but also the companies and all other players in Jena must create the right framework conditions for this,

said Nitzsche. The study provides an initial impression of the requirements that must be met in the world of work and in everyday life for successful integration.

The data basis for the study was the city's representative resident survey "Living in Jena" from 2020, which analyzed municipal processes, particularly with regard to poverty prevention, migration and integration, in order to better plan and manage them. A total of 1,642 people with a migration background and 1,372 people without a migration background took part. For the new evaluation "Life in Jena - In-depth insights into the situation of international people in Jena", the responses of over 620 people were evaluated again in order to gain an insight into the reality of life for working immigrants.

According to Mayor Christian Gerlitz, taking this reality of life into account in urban development is essential for good coexistence on the ground:

Immigration not only enriches us socially and culturally, it is also of outstanding importance for Jena's labor market. The changes associated with migration in the city and its districts must be actively shaped.

According to the city's economic development department, immigration is important because local industry can only continue to grow in the long term if people from abroad can be successfully integrated into the local working world and everyday life.

We know that Jena will be dependent on international skilled workers in the medium and long term so that companies can continue to develop well and work productively,

said JenaWirtschaft Managing Director Wilfried Röpke, summarizing the demographic challenge.

The "Living in Jena" survey revealed three main reasons why international employees have come to Jena: 37 percent cited "education", 18 percent "gainful employment" and 16 percent their own partnership.

We were also particularly interested in whether these people wanted to stay for the long term and why,

says Röpke.

A question that the study answers with a clear "maybe": 41%, i.e. almost half of those surveyed, are currently unsure whether they want to continue living and working in Jena or Germany in the future.

In general, local satisfaction with the standard of living, health care, housing and family is high,

explained Thomas Ketzmerick from the Halle Center for Social Research.

A smaller proportion of those surveyed would like to leave Jena or Germany again in the medium term. According to Ketzmerick, the main reasons for this are poor opportunities on the job market. It is particularly difficult for accompanying partners who come to Jena without a concrete job offer or employment contract to gain a foothold in the job market. If they find a job, they often work below their actual qualification level. However, if people with a migration background decide to stay in Germany, the majority of those who already live in Jena also want to stay in the city.

Jobs and the resulting contacts are the most important factors for local integration. For family members who move with them, settling in is often more difficult and, according to the study, they are therefore also less satisfied with their overall living situation. They also find it more difficult to learn the new language. However, points of contact for a successful social connection are in the area of education - for example via universities or a language course - or via children - for example via the daycare center or school.

According to the study, it is important that the numerous support services are communicated transparently and can be found right from the start in order to make the first steps easier.

Contact points, language courses, individual offers of help - there is extensive support for new arrivals in Jena,

says Ramona Scheiding, who heads the "Skilled Workers Service" department at the Economic Development Agency.

We have to make sure that these are also visible to international people. A positive start on site helps people feel at home and want to stay for the long term. The Economic Development Agency's new Welcome Center can make an important contribution here,

according to Scheiding.

Despite the many offers, day-to-day interaction is challenging. This is because the survey shows that a relatively large number of respondents have already experienced discrimination in their everyday lives. Around a third stated that they had been mobbed at some point, for example when shopping or on the bus or train, especially when speaking in their native language. People with a migrant background are also often discriminated against when looking for housing, which can become a long-term disadvantage in Jena's competitive housing market.

Mayor Christian Gerlitz wants to tackle this issue head on:

We will create more than 2,000 new apartments by 2030 in order to relieve the market in the long term.

Affordable housing helps all citizens. We also know how important the social environment is when arriving in Jena.

Our aim is to design public spaces in such a way that they are inviting and safe for everyone in order to create social meeting spaces,

says Gerlitz.

The creators of the study have one general recommendation for action for the city: the municipality must continue to visibly promote openness to the world and diversity and work together with the numerous civil society actors to combat exclusion and discrimination.

The complete study "Living in Jena. In-depth insights into the situation of international skilled workers" can be downloaded from the Jena Economic Development Agency website.

Die ausgedruckte Studie liegt auf einem Tisch und ist bereit, um gelesen zu werden.
Die Stadt Jena und JenaWirtschaft stellten heute die Ergebnisse einer Untersuchung zur Situation internationaler Fachkräfte in der Stadt vor.