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Implementation of social systems in climate modeling | Long Night of the Sciences Jena Skip to main content

Implementation of social systems in climate modeling

18:00 - 23:30 o'clock
Max-Planck-Institut für Geoanthropologie
Eingangsbereich Neubau, Erdgeschoß
Kahlaische Strasse 10

Human action has long since become a decisive factor in the Earth system; however, most models so far only take this into account to the extent that human action serves as a model input, but the repercussions of the Earth system on this are not depicted. Using a prototype, we would like to discuss how, for example, the perception of human agency or social norms can be integrated into such a model.

The Anthropocene is characterized by the fact that humanity has become a factor in the Earth system that plays a decisive role in shaping it. However, these interdependencies are not normally taken into account in Earth system modeling. Human behavior usually only plays a role as an input (e.g. in the form of the amount of CO2 emitted into the atmosphere), but the repercussions of the Earth system on humans are not mapped. We would like to use a prototype to discuss how we want to integrate this in the future. Our own perceptions, e.g. of our own influence, social norms or risk assessments, also play a role here.



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