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Funding opportunities for trainees | Neu in Jena Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Funding opportunities for trainees

During your training, you will receive more or less pay depending on the type of training you choose and the training region. However, you can apply for various grants to ensure that you have sufficient financial resources.

You and your training company can also apply for support if you are worried that you will not be able to complete your training and there are problems with the content. BAföG and training grants in accordance with SGB III offer support options.

If you come from abroad, the granting of funding depends on your country of origin and your residence status in addition to the generally applicable requirements.

Trainees who have their permanent residence in Germany and are unable to finance their training themselves or through the support of their legal guardians are eligible for funding in accordance with the Federal Training Assistance Act (BAföG).

General conditions

Half of BAföG benefits consist of a state grant. The other half is an interest-free loan. BAföG benefits are only granted for the standard duration of the course.

Continued approval during the course is subject to proof of successful participation.

Repayment of the loan must begin no later than 5 years after the end of the maximum funding period. Payment in installments is possible. The amount to be repaid is lower if you complete your studies particularly quickly or well or if you repay the loan in one lump sum.

You can apply for BAföG benefits at the Office for Training Assistance at the place of training or at your place of residence.

Eligible training courses

Eligible for funding is attendance at a vocational college or technical college that does not require vocational training as an entry requirement and provides a vocational qualification in a course of at least 2 years.

You can also receive BAföG benefits if you attend a technical college or technical secondary school that specifies completed vocational training as an entry requirement.

You are also eligible for support if you attend evening secondary schools, vocational colleges, evening secondary schools, evening grammar schools and colleges as well as higher technical colleges, academies and universities. The same applies to all forms of basic vocational training (e.g. vocational preparation year).

If you are undergoing dual training, you are not entitled to benefits under the Federal Training Assistance Act. The same applies to attending vocational school.


Vocational training allowance (BAB) is a state subsidy that is granted to you as a full grant and not as a loan. BAB therefore does not have to be repaid.

General conditions

In order to receive BAB, you must be in financial need and the distance between the training center and your parents' home must be long enough that you can no longer live with your parents.

Exempt from this regulation are trainees who are older than 18 or married or have at least one child. Further exceptions apply to trainees who cannot live with their parents for serious social reasons and people with disabilities.

Further information and application forms can be obtained from your local employment agency.

Eligible training courses

Funding is generally provided for the first vocational training course. Training in state-recognized professions, both in the dual system and in the school-based vocational training system, are eligible for funding.

Pre-vocational training measures, including preparation for the subsequent acquisition of a secondary general school leaving certificate or an equivalent school leaving certificate, can also be supported with BAB.

The same applies to measures that are linked to a vocational internship. Under certain conditions, training abroad can be supported with BAB.


Training-related assistance (abH) are support measures provided by the employment agency for young people with learning difficulties and social disadvantages who are undergoing vocational training or entry-level qualification.

The aim of this assistance is to enable young people starting out on a career to begin, continue or successfully complete in-company vocational training.

AbH takes the form of accompanying additional tuition from experienced specialists and additional support from social education workers.

Further information and application forms can be obtained from your local employment agency.

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Pre-vocational training measures (BvB) are used for targeted vocational orientation for people under the age of 25.

They are therefore primarily aimed at young people with or without school-leaving qualifications who have either not found a training position, are disadvantaged or have a migration background.

The training measure lasts around 10 months, is carried out by training providers and can be individually tailored. It provides orientation between possible professions and also offers practical elements such as supervised work placements.

Further information and application forms can be obtained from your local employment agency.

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Assisted training (AsA) can be used to support trainees and training companies before and during in-company vocational training.

The aim is to successfully complete the training. The company can receive assistance with the administration, organization and implementation of the training and support in day-to-day operations.

Anyone who recognizes difficulties in achieving the vocational qualification can be accompanied by the Federal Employment Agency on their way through training.

Further information and application forms can be obtained from your local employment agency.

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Introductory training (EQ) serves to teach the basics for acquiring professional skills.

As part of an EQ, companies have the opportunity to introduce prospective trainees to training in a company. They get to know the future trainees and their professional performance in a long-term internship of 6 to 12 months.

An application must be submitted in advance to the employment agency or job center. The content of the EQ and the level of remuneration must be set out in a contract.

The companies bear the material and personnel costs. The employment agency reimburses part of the remuneration plus a share of the social security contribution.

Graduates receive an IHK certificate, which facilitates the transition to subsequent training or employment. Six months of the EQ can be credited towards a subsequent apprenticeship.

Further information and application forms can be obtained from your local employment agency.

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5 steps to vocational training

  • Hobbies
  • Special interests and skills
  • previous knowledge
  • ...
  • Careers advice
  • training fairs
  • own research
  • ...
  • try out different professions
  • Check your own expectations
  • Make contacts
  • Is the job what I imagined it would be?
  • ...
  • Research on all platforms (Internet, employment agency, daily newspaper, notices...)
  • Direct inquiry with interesting companies
  • ...
  • Observe formal requirements
  • Make use of expert help
  • ...