Surface water withdrawal
An der Saale und den Bächen im Stadtgebiet wird zu unterschiedlichen Zwecken Wasser entnommen. Neben der Bewässerung von Gärten oder landwirtschaftlichen Flächen erfolgt auch eine Nutzung durch Gewerbe- bzw. Industriebetriebe.
The extraction of surface water requires a water law permit from the lower water authority.
This does not apply to scooping with hand vessels, which falls under the so-called public use.
The water law permit does not grant any entitlement to an inflow of water in a certain quantity or quality.
In distinct periods of low water, the competent water authority may demand the temporary cessation of abstraction.
The application for water right permit shall be submitted in hard copy in 2 copies along with the following details / documents:
- Name and address of the applicant
- Site plan of the extraction point
- Withdrawal quantity in m3/h, m3/d, m3/a
- Purpose
- Period
- Type and method of withdrawal (pump, stationary/mobile)
Legal basis
- Water Resources Act (WHG)
- Thuringian Water Act (ThürWG)