Advisory Board
In implementation of the guidelines for citizen participation of the city of Jena, the city council decided in its meeting on 15.03.2017 to establish an advisory board for citizen participation. The foundation was prepared by the accompanying group, which had already established itself during the development of the guidelines.
Procedure for the establishment of the advisory board
On 18.10.2017, the City Council adopted the participatory statutes for the Advisory Board for Citizen Participation (Advisory Board for Citizen Participation). These bylaws define the tasks, composition and functioning of the Advisory Board. The selection of the representatives of the citizens was carried out by means of an elaborate procedure. 2,000 residents, selected according to statistical guidelines, were personally contacted in order to encourage them to participate in the advisory board. A total of 186 people were interested in the five available seats on the Advisory Board, so a draw was held for all interested parties at an event on December 15, 2017.
Duties of the Advisory Board
According to its charter, the Citizen Participation Advisory Board has the following responsibilities:
- Advising the City Council, the City Administration and the citizenry on planned participation procedures, in particular with regard to the choice of methods, the setting of topics and implementation;
- Continuation of the participatory budget;
- Supporting the city administration in publicising offers for citizen participation;
- Monitoring of the updating or further development of the guidelines;
- Selection of an external partner for the regular evaluation of the guidelines.
Furthermore, the advisory board can submit proposals, suggestions and statements or expert opinions on its own initiative, which are to be dealt with in the responsible committees upon request.
The Advisory Board consists of 17 voting and eight advisory members.
Information on the meetings of the advisory board as well as all relevant documents can be found in the council information system of the city of Jena.
The meetings of the advisory board are always public and can be visited by interested citizens.
Due to the regulations caused by the Corona pandemic, there may be restrictions. Please contact the Citizen Participation Coordination Office in advance.
You are also welcome to contact the Citizen Participation Coordination Office at any time with concerns and suggestions.