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Seeing is important, because people register over 80% of sensory impressions with their eyes. Poor visual conditions lead to dangerous information deficits. Street lighting enables and improves information perception at night.
... is to ensure traffic safety for vehicles and people, to support public order and safety, to beautify towns and communities and to improve the quality of life.
Here you will find information on the entire Jena street lighting network:
We are responsible for all questions, information and fault reports in connection with "light in public spaces".
... consists of a 360 km long network of lines with around
12.600 lighting points
13.235 luminaires
13.614 light sources
310 switch cabinets
85% of the lines run underground, the rest are still overhead lines.
... of street lighting are lower than generally assumed: The share of total energy consumption is only 0.1 %. The average connected load per inhabitant is 10 watts. The operating costs per inhabitant amount to approx. 10 euros per year, of which 6 euros are for electricity.
LED lights are very energy-efficient, environmentally friendly and have a long service life. The use of LEDs can save 768 tons of CO2 per year.
... began around 1700 with the first stationary oil lamps in large cities such as Paris, Berlin and Leipzig. From 1820, gas lamps appeared, which were improved around 1880 with incandescent bulbs. The age of electric lighting began in 1882 with the use of the first arc lamps in Berlin, which were later replaced by incandescent lamps. After 1945, the modern fluorescent and gas discharge lamps still used today were increasingly used. The latest development trend is LED-based luminaires.