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Report damage or defects | Jena <strong>service</strong> Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Report damage or defects

Melden Sie uns Mängel und Schäden über den städtischen Mängelmelder.

Despite constant checks, it can happen that the city administration does not notice all defects or damages in the city or is informed about them too late.

"The offer should give every citizen the opportunity to forward damages, defects and problems of all kinds and thus strengthen citizen participation and simplify communication with the city administration." (from the text of the resolution | Jena City Council, draft resolution no.16/1118-BV)

In the system, map-based defects can be displayed by photo and description. The users can select categories, so that a simple allocation of the defects to the responsible persons in the city is guaranteed.

Depending on the category, an e-mail is sent to the responsible department of municipal services, KIJ or local transport and a new reported defect is automatically set up in the page.

Deficiencies are listed in three states:

- Reported
- In process
- Closed

Users can report defects anonymously or leave an email address to be notified of status changes. In the terms and conditions of the defect reporter, users release the city of Jena from any violations of third-party rights and must accept the general terms of use.

Since defects can be reported anonymously, the city reserves the right to delete images or texts immediately in the event of an obvious violation of third-party rights.


Montag 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 08:00 – 16:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:00 – 13:00 Uhr
Team communication

Engelplatz 1
07743 Jena