City forest

SaaleHorizontale with a view over Jena
SaaleHorizontale with a view over Jena

Forest is our passion!

The team at Jena City Forestry puts its heart and soul into looking after the 2,500 hectares of the city forest. They not only keep an eye on forest development, but also ensure safe traffic routes and the preservation of forest functions, for example.
In addition, you can experience the miracle of the forest up close with the employees.

Logo Stadtforst

Jena city forest

Vor dem Neutor 7
07743 Jena

(On foot: from Paradies station, access: Kahlaische Straße via railroad tracks to UniverSaale possible)

Opening hours

Monday, Tuesday: 09:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 15:00

Thursday: 09:00 - 12:00 & 14:00 - 18:00


Jena is a high-tech city surrounded by greenery. People use the surrounding nature primarily for sport and leisure - the city forest therefore plays a major role as a place of recreation. In addition to its function as a habitat for fungi, plants and animals, our forest makes a major contribution to water and soil conservation. As "air conditioning for the city", it also provides fresh, clean air and, especially in summer, cooling.

Large parts of the urban forest areas are subject to various protection categories. In addition to the "classic" nature reserves, these include landscape conservation areas, bird sanctuaries and flora and fauna habitat areas. You can find more information here.

What grows here

Jena has a warm and dry climate by Central European standards. The average annual temperature is currently (2023) 10.2 °C and the average annual precipitation is 666.8 mm. These climatic conditions naturally influence the existing vegetation. This is particularly noticeable on the south-facing shell limestone slopes.

As a result, Jena's city forest is dominated by dry deciduous forests with sessile oaks, hornbeams, lime trees and service trees as well as coniferous forests with Scots pines and black pines.

There are hardly any spruces left and the proportion of pines is also steadily decreasing, so that around a third of the trees in the forest are now conifers.

Previous and forecast development of the proportions of coniferous and deciduous trees in the Jena municipal forest (as of 2023) © KSJ, Stadtwald
Previous and forecast development of the proportions of coniferous and deciduous trees in the Jena municipal forest (as of 2023)
Tree species composition in the Jena municipal forest 2023
Tree species composition in the Jena municipal forest 2023

In addition to our two foresters, 12 employees work for the forest. Our tasks also include marking out and maintaining the hiking trails, fulfilling our duty to ensure traffic safety, educational work and providing wood as a sustainable raw material.

We are supported in our work by four volunteers who are completing a Federal Voluntary Service or a Voluntary Ecological Year.

Occasionally, interns, students writing their dissertations with us or pupils whose seminar papers we supervise also join the team.

The Jena city forest is part of the "Middle Saale Valley" nature region, making the city of Jena one of the main players in the local landscape. As part of the EU's tourism promotion program, nature in Jena's Saale Valley is to be made more attractive, sustainable and future-proof as an adventure region. The SaaleHorizontale quality hiking trail forms the framework of the adventure region, with the new nature experience center on Schottplatz at its core.

The "Nature Experience Region" project is intended to supplement existing themed trails in and around Jena and create further adventure trails. The existing 'Clever Ux' and 'Trixi Trias dinosaur trail' are particularly appealing to children and families who want to learn more about nature and the history of the earth. the 'Climate Trail' and 'Local History Trail' are more for the big "naturalists", but above all something for the consciously experiencing, knowledge-thirsty and nature-loving hiker.

Two completely new trails in the Saale valley and the Saale high plateau will appeal to hikers, nature lovers, visitors interested in history and "naturalists" alike. The design and narrative content will follow a "green thread" that will include both analog and digital elements. Intensive conceptual work is currently underway.

Augmented reality will connect the real world with the virtual world. The past and future can actually be experienced in the real world.

Jena as a "high-tech forge" in the middle of nature reserves! - Our project will once again shape this image and develop it to the highest level.

The project is funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

Offers and events

Our passion - your experience

Would you like to join us on a journey of discovery and experience what our forest can do?
You can find a selection of our offers and events in our annual forest education program "Wald Klima Mensch - Naturerlebnis hautnah" on the page Naturerlebnis. or at natura jenensis.

You can register using the contact form.


30 Jahre Stadtwald Jena

Auf euch warten ein großes Familienfest sowie spannende Aktionen rund um das Thema Wald.

Ergänzt wird das Programm durch den Thüringer Waldgipfel. Seid gespannt auf interessante Vorträge und Exkursionen – für alle ist etwas dabei.

Wann: 14.09.2024, 10-18 Uhr
Wo: Naturerlebniszentrum forum natura, Otto-Schott-Platz 1

Weitere Informationen sind >>HIER<< zu finden.

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