Official medical service team
- Assessments in accordance with civil service law, fitness for duty for civil servants with long-term illnesses, subsidy law (outpatient and inpatient rehabilitation), burial law, assessments of additional needs (cost-intensive nutrition), reasonableness of moving to smaller living space for health reasons and necessity of prescribing medical benefits in accordance with SGB II and XII
- Health examinations of asylum seekers by the public health officer who were not examined in initial reception facilities, assessment of fitness to travel and prescription of medical/dental benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
- Licensing procedures for alternative practitioners
- Examination of students with regard to examination eligibility, extension of writing time, semester off, change of subject, granting of child benefit and student loans as well as issuing of corresponding official medical certificates and attestations
- Subject-related court reports
- Registration and monitoring of healthcare professions as part of medical supervision
- Archiving death certificates and electronic data processing with reporting to the cancer register, checking death certificates for plausibility of the type of death and diagnoses leading to death
- Patient file management in accordance with retention periods for patient files from the polyclinics of the former GDR
- Carrying out the second post-mortem examination and, if necessary, arranging administrative dissections
- notarizations
- Confirmation of registration for billing via statutory health insurance
- Notarizations - specialist health service
- GDR patient files, inspection
- Midwives / maternity nurses - registration
- Healing professions - registration
- Alternative practitioners - license application
- Mortuary passport
- Death certificates - inspection, provision of information
belongs to
Health department