Energy crisis
The city of Jena is preparing for a possible more difficult supply situation with gas and electricity. Energy must be saved in order to contribute to security of supply for the heating season. On this page, we would like to provide you with an overview of current legal regulations, the city's energy saving plans and general tips and services for saving energy. We also provide information about assistance offered by the City should you find yourself in financial difficulty due to increased energy costs.
Quick start
- Ordinances of the federal government
- Energy saving measures of the city of Jena
- City of Jena promotes small photovoltaic systems
- Offers of help
- Energy data of the city of Jena
- Energy saving tips for consumers
- Information for businesses
- Effects on the culture and tourism sector
- Information on energy market development
- Services
- News on the energy crisis / Newsroom
⚓ Regulations of the Federal Government

The Federal Energy Security Ordinance on short-term measures was approved by the Federal Cabinet on August 24, 2022. It regulates energy-saving measures in the building sector for public bodies, companies and private households. These precautionary measures are intended to avoid unnecessary energy consumption in order to prevent a shortage situation as far as possible or to mitigate one.
What applies to private households?
Minimum temperature in rented apartments
Clauses requiring a minimum temperature in rented premises will be temporarily suspended from 01.09.2022 - 28.02.2023, allowing tenants who want to save energy and turn down the heating to do so. You can prevent damage to buildings by airing them appropriately.
Heating private pools
You may no longer heat private pools with gas and electricity from the grid from 01.09.2022 - 28.02.2023. This applies both indoors and outdoors as well as for above ground pools. There is an exception for therapeutic applications. Pools used for commercial purposes are not affected.
What applies to public buildings?
Maximum temperature indoors
In public buildings, offices may only be heated to a maximum of 19 degrees from 01.09.2022 - 28.02.2023. Previously, the recommended minimum temperature was 20 degrees. In workrooms where physical activities are performed, the maximum temperature is even lower, depending on the severity of the activity. Transit areas such as corridors, foyers or technical rooms should no longer be heated. Medical facilities, facilities for the disabled, nursing homes, schools and daycare centers are exempt.
Hot water for hand wash basins
Boilers and instantaneous water heaters for hot water preparation must be switched off from 01.09.2022 - 28.02.2023 if their operation is mainly for hand washing and there are no hygiene regulations to the contrary. In the case of centralized water heating, the temperature must be lowered as far as necessary to avoid a health risk from legionella. Medical facilities, facilities for the disabled, care facilities, schools and daycare centers are exempt in each case.
Lighting of buildings and monuments
The illumination of buildings and monuments from the outside is prohibited from 01.09.2022 - 28.02.2023. Short-term lighting during cultural events and folk festivals are excluded. Security and emergency lighting are excluded.
What applies to utilities?
Duty to inform about price increases
Gas and heat suppliers must inform their customers about energy consumption and the associated costs, about the effects of price increases and about possible savings potential in good time, but at least at the beginning of the heating season.
What applies to owners of buildings?
Duty to provide information about price increases
Owners of residential buildings whose residential buildings are supplied with gas or heat must pass on the information provided by the suppliers to the users. Owners of residential buildings with at least ten residential units must also provide specific information on energy consumption and energy costs for the respective residential unit on this basis. Information must be provided again in the event of renewed price increases.
Heating check mandatory
All owners of buildings with gas heating systems must carry out a heating check within the next two years. It makes sense to link the check to appointments that are taking place anyway, such as sweeping and inspection activities or regular heating system maintenance.
Hydraulic balancing mandatory
Owners of large buildings with a central heating supply based on natural gas must carry out hydraulic balancing if this has not already been done. This applies to companies and public buildings of 1,000 square meters or more, as well as large residential buildings with six or more residential units. Depending on the building, this can reduce gas consumption by around eight kilowatt hours per square meter.
What applies to companies and tradesmen?
The Jena Economic Development Corporation provides information on its own website on all regulations and obligations for companies and tradespeople, including for the display of advertising signs and the like.
The regulations in the wording
The "Measures of the Ordinance to Secure the Energy Supply through short-term measures (EnSikuMaV)" and the "Measures of the Ordinance to Secure the Energy Supply through measures effective in the medium term (EnSimiMaV)" can be read in the wording.
⚓ Energy saving measures of the city of Jena

The energy saving plan of the city of Jena contains measures that can help in the immediate, medium and long term to save energy in the city in a targeted manner. Possible emergency measures were also defined, which will be considered in the event of a gas shortage. The result is a package that can lead to total energy savings of approximately 2000 megawatt hours (MWh).
Energy volumes of 1.9 terawatt hours (TWh)currently run through Jena's energy networks . The ratio shows that the energy quantities saved by the city only account for a very small share. But the individual contributions of all cities make the difference in the end. The role model effect of the public sector and the further sensitization for energy saving will also increasingly provide incentives in the private sector or on the corporate side to deal more consciously with energy consumption.
Energy-saving measures already implemented in Jena
- The outdoor lighting of public buildings and monuments has been switched off since the end of July.
- Since the beginning of September, the "Energy Crisis" crisis teamhas been meeting with representatives of the city administration, Stadtwerke Energie, Kommunale Immobilien Jena (KIJ), the fire department, the police, Wirtschaftsförderungsgesellschaft Jena mbH, representatives of the social welfare associations and representatives of the housing industry (Jenawohnen, WG Carl Zeiss, Haus & Grund, etc.).
- The street lighting on Stadtrodaer Straße was switched off. This results in an annual energy saving of approx. 180 MWh. For reasons of traffic safety, intersections are excluded. The accompanying bicycle path also continues to be illuminated.
- Lowering the pool water temperature and room temperature by 2 °C in the GalaxSea leisure pool (savings of approx. 596 MWh per year).
- Reduction of the temperature of hot water in the facilities of the Jena baths from 75 °C to 70 °C (savings of 119 MWh per year)
- Reduction in the running time of electricity consumers such as pumping systems (3.1 MWh per year) at Jenaer Bädergesellschaft
Energy-saving measures to be examined and implemented in the short term
- The switching off of street lighting in the commercial areas of the city of Jena between 22:00 - 05:00 is being examined.
- The lighting of infrastructure facilities will be examined for potential savings (switching times, brightness).
- The installation of radiant heaters for heating outdoor areas in public spaces is to be prohibited. Both propane-fueled and electric patio heaters have very high energy consumption and CO2 emissions. The amendment to the statutes must first be confirmed by the State Administration Office.
Energy-saving measures to be examined and implemented in the medium term
- Temperature reduction in the municipal crematorium by lowering the afterburning temperature from 850 °C to 750 °C (saving of 60.78 MWh - 97.25 MWh per year).
- Economic Development is looking into emergency consultation hours for companies, together with the Jena municipal utility, ThEGA and the Jena-Thuringia Climate Protection Foundation
- KIJ checks and identifies further savings potential for interior lighting in administrative buildings and surveys the current maintenance status of heating systems.
- The city is developing a municipal subsidy program to promote solar power generation. The aim of the funding guideline is to promote the use of solar power via plug-in photovoltaic (PV) systems.
Energy-saving measures to be examined and implemented in the long term
- With a view to the summer of 2023, the limitation of air conditioning in public buildings is being prepared technically and organizationally.
- The current and continuously evolving energy requirements for municipal construction and renovation projects are continuously incorporated into their planning by KIJ.
- Furthermore, the municipal existing buildings are checked for possible further energetic optimizations and their economic feasibility.
Bilanz und Ausblick (Juni 2022 bis Mai 2023)
Die Stadt Jena zieht eine positive Bilanz der im Sommer 2022 begonnenen und mit der Energiesparverordnung des Bundes verstärkten Energiesparmaßnahmen.
• Beim Jenaer Bäderbetrieb konnte durch die Absenkung der Beckenwasser- und Raumtemperatur um 2°C, die Reduzierung der Temperatur der Warmwasseraufbereitung in den Anlagen von 75°C auf 70°C sowie die Laufzeitreduzierung von Stromverbrauchen (u.a. Pumpanlagen und Gebläse) ca. 515,9 MWh (ca. 5%) eingespart werden.
• Um den Verbrauch in den städtischen Gebäuden zu reduzieren, wurden ca. 140 Untertischspeicher (Warmwasserboiler) in öffentlichen Verwaltungsgebäuden demontiert. Schulen, Kitas und andere soziale Einrichtungen waren davon ausgenommen. Durch diese Maßnahme konnten ca. 18 MWh Energie eingespart werden.
• Darüber hinaus wurde die Raumtemperatur in allen öffentlichen Gebäuden abgesenkt. Ausgenommen waren hier ebenfalls Kitas, Schulen und andere soziale Einrichtungen. Dadurch konnte der Fernwärmverbrauch der Stadtverwaltung um 20% (288MWh) reduziert werden.
• Durch die Abschaltung der Straßenbeleuchtung auf der Stadtrodaer Straße (ausgenommen Knotenpunkte) konnten fast 180 MWh eingespart werden.
Emergency measures
In the event of a gas shortage, the city, in close coordination with the Stadtwerke Jena, has emergency measures in close coordination with Stadtwerke Jena. The city is examining various scenarios for this, which include vacant administrative buildings as well as a closure of GalaxSea or the shutdown of hot water in municipal sports facilities.
Energy saving measures of the administration
- The operation of private heating and cooling units is not permitted in the administrative buildings.
- For the period between Christmas and New Year, we aim to keep the administration buildings empty as far as possible.
- The existing home office regulation of the administration will continue to be maintained.
- Furthermore, the city administration is examining the extent to which further significant energy savings could be achieved by vacating administrative buildings.
Initiatives of the Climate Action Plan of the City of Jena
The city of Jena wants to become climate neutral by 2035. To this end, ideas were collected in a participatory process together with the citizens, evaluated and recorded in a climate action plan. Further information on the climate action plan can be found on the city's climate protection page.
⚓ City of Jena promotes small photovoltaic systems

From 02.11.2022, the city of Jena will subsidize the purchase of plug-in photovoltaic systems, so-called balcony power plants. Anyone who lives in the city of Jena - both homeowners and tenants - can apply for this.
Further information: jena.de/solarstrom
⚓ Offers of help

State emergency aid for natural gas and district heating customers (December discount)
The federal government has decided to take over the December discount for households and small and medium-sized enterprises. You can find out how this emergency aid will be implemented on the federal government's information page.
Help with payment difficulties Stadtwerke Jena
Stadtwerke Jena has compiled information on its website in the event of payment problems.
Request financial support
Housing benefit
If the income of your private household is not sufficient to cover the costs of adequate housing yourself, you have a legal claim to housing benefit. You can find more information on housing benefit here.
Unemployment benefit 2 (ALG II)
Unemployment benefit 2 serves to secure your livelihood. You can find more information about ALG II here.
Help for clubs
- Support is provided by the Jena Crowd, where you can find supporters for your energy project.
Hardship fund for heating oil, pellets & Co. as of May 2023
The federal and state governments have agreed on a hardship fund for non-pipeline energy sources (including oil and pellets). In Thuringia, applications can be submitted via an internet platform from May 2023 at the latest. Further information can be found on an information page of the state of Thuringia.
The debt counseling informs
Is the energy price lump sum attachable? What can you do?
A creditor can garnish a debtor's wages and/ or account. Unfortunately, the EPP is not automatically protected from garnishment. You must act! The garnishment protection of the EPP is not regulated by law. The court must decide.
For residents of Jena is responsible
Jena Local Court
Execution court
Rathenauplatz 13
07745 Jena
In the following we explain what you can do actively to protect your EPP from seizure. This is only possible with an appropriate application. You must make the application yourself.
Account garnishment
You already keep your current account as a garnishment protection account? Your income exceeds your monthly protected amount in your account in September 2022?
Then you should file an application for individual release with the court. You can find a template here (PDF).
Wage garnishment
In the case of a wage garnishment, your employer is responsible. He or she must calculate each month what amount your creditor will receive. However, if your EPP is garnished, you can file a motion with the court here as well. You can find a template here (PDF).
Important: If you are currently in insolvency proceedings should first contact their insolvency administrator. Ask him to "release" the EPP. If you are unable to reach an agreement with your insolvency administrator, a corresponding application should be made to your competent insolvency court to do so. You can find a template here (PDF).
Please note: After release of the EPP by the insolvency court, it may be necessary for you to additionally apply for release on your account by the insolvency court!
Exception: Is your energy provider garnishing because of pre-existing energy debts?
In this case, the EPP must be left to the creditor, as it is precisely intended to pay electricity and/or heating costs. You cannot file a request for release.
If you have any further information or questions, please call us at 0049 3641 49-4603 or send us an email at: schuldnerberatung@jena.de. We are here for you!
Your team of the debt counseling center Jena
Possible courses of action in the event of gas debts: When is a gas supply cut-off imminent?
What should I do if I can no longer pay my gas provider?
When am I threatened with a disconnection?
What can I do?
For these and more questions, you will find possible courses of action here. Please note: This article does not claim to be complete and cannot replace a personal consultation! (Status: October 2022)
The most pressing question - especially in view of the winter - is certainly:
When am I threatened with a gas supply cut-off?
A look at § 19 GasGVV (Gas Basic Supply Ordinance) will help here. This paragraph regulates when a gas supplier may disconnect.
In principle, a gas supplier may only block gas supply according to § 19 para. 2 p. 1 GasGVV if
- the customer does not fulfill his payment obligation
- the customer has been reminded
- the gas block was announced 4 weeks in advance.
From when do I no longer fulfill my payment obligation?
This question is also clearly regulated. A consumer no longer fulfills his payment obligation if:
- he is in arrears with twice the amount of his monthly budget billing:
- In the case of an agreed monthly budget billing amount of €400, a blocking threat would therefore be possible in principle from a receivable amount of €800 onwards OR
- he is in arrears with 1/6 of the annual bill, if no monthly budget billing was agreed upon
- the arrears must always exceed a minimum amount of 100 €.
How can I prevent a gas supply block?
- If you notice that you can no longer afford your agreed monthly budget billing, the first step is always worth talking to your gas supplier - especially during these times.
- Explain your situation and work with your provider to find possible solutions.
- Do you perhaps only have temporary payment difficulties because you are receiving sick pay for a few weeks? Have you already applied for supplementary benefits that will relieve your financial situation in the future, etc.?
A sample of what a written payment offer might look like can be found here.
By the way, all gas suppliers are legally obliged to offer an installment payment! This is called averting agreement. § 19 paragraph 5 GasGVV regulates this. The agreement must
- ean interest-free installment agreement for the determined payment arrears and as well as
- the continued supply of gas on an advance payment basis.
The arrears must be paid within a manageable time frame - usually between 6 and 18 months. Here you can find examples of the averting agreements of some gas suppliers:
If you are supplied with gas by another provider, it is best to use the Internet search "averting agreement ... (insert gas provider here)".
What happens if I cannot come to an agreement with my supplier?
- In the event that you cannot come to an agreement with your supplier, Section 19 II p. 2 GasGVV protects you. Here it is legally regulated in which cases a disconnection - despite payment default - may not take place : Your gas supplier may not stop the gas supply if:
- the consequences of the interruption are disproportionate to the seriousness of the violation OR
- the customer can hold out the prospect of paying properly again in the future.
But when is a gas supply interruption disproportionate?
- Whenever the interruption of heating poses a threat to life and limb of the persons concerned.
- If there are minors, persons in need of care or seriously ill persons in your household, a gas supply cut-off is probably always disproportionate!
- Otherwise, consider what consequences an interruption of the gas supply would have for you in particular?
- Please always note: You must present these reasons to your gas supplier in writing and request the suspension of the cut-off.
How can I make it clear that I will pay again in the future?
- First of all, you must check whether it is somehow possible for you to pay the gas debt from your own resources or with the help of third parties:
- Can you still reduce your expenses at any point? (Is there any insurance you don't need? etc.)
- Can you increase your income? (Are you perhaps entitled to certain statutory benefits such as housing benefit, child supplement?)
- Can you get financial support from your friends and relatives?
- Can you ask your employer for an employer loan?
These are just a few examples of the considerations you can make in this situation.
If it is absolutely not possible for you to make a payment offer to your gas provider from your own resources, you can apply for the loan assumption of your gas debts to your responsible social benefit agency.
For persons of working age (including employees), the contact person is always Jenarbeit first. For all other groups of people, the social services department (the social welfare office) Jena. However, this option requires that
- all other options for settling the claim have already been exhausted, - the budget billing can be paid regularly again in the future, and - the gas provider confirms the continued supply after assumption of debt.
Such applications are always decisions on a case-by-case basis and are examined individually by the responsible authority. For more information, please contact:
- jenarbeit | Stadtrodaer Str. 1 | 07749 Jena | Phone: 0049 3641 49-4701 | E-Mail: jenarbeit@jena.de or
- Social Services |Lutherplatz 3 | 07743 Jena | Tel.: 0049 3641 49-4601 | E-Mail: fd-soziales@jena.de
For more information you can continue reading here .
Questions about the garnishment account (heating allowance, housing allowance)
The heating cost allowance II was transferred to me. I have a P-Konto and cannot access the money. What can I do?
- We can release the heating allowance on your account with a P account certificate. You can find the corresponding application here.
To issue you such a certificate we need:
- The application form filled out and signed
- Copy of identity card and EC card
- Notice of receipt of the heating allowance (if available)
- Bank statement with the receipt of the heating allowance on your account.
You can send us all the documents by email to schuldnerberatung@jena.de send. Of course, you can also send them by mail. If you have any questions or uncertainties, please call us at 0049 3641 49-4603.
I receive housing benefit. Since the beginning of the year, the protected amount on my P-Konto is no longer sufficient. I don't get my housing allowance paid out in full. What can I do?
The housing allowance rates were increased at the beginning of the year. However, the protected amount on a P account has remained the same at €1,340. Thus, it can happen that amounts on a P-Konto are now paid out to the creditor although they would actually not be attachable. You can do the following against this:
Is it a one-time housing allowance back payment up to 500 €?
- Contact us as soon as possible! We are allowed to exempt this amount with a P-Konto certificate.
Is it a one-time housing allowance payment of more than 500 €?
- Apply as soon as possible at the district court Jena for release! You will receive a corresponding template in our counseling center.
Is it about your current housing allowance?
- As soon as possible, file an application with the Jena District Court for release! You will receive a corresponding template in our counseling center.
- Or: Arrange with the housing allowance office that the housing allowance is paid directly to your landlord. Then less money goes to your account and you only have to transfer the difference (rent - housing allowance) to your landlord yourself.
⚓ Energy data of the city of Jena

It is advantageous that the municipal buildings already have a high level of refurbishment and that we have been pursuing the topic of energy saving and climate protection for years. For example, KIJ has long been using forward-looking technologies such as geothermal energy, photovoltaics, solar thermal energy and heat pumps in its modernization work and is constantly developing the efficient operation of municipal properties with the help of building control technology. The municipal balance sheet is correspondingly good in a national comparison. The administrative buildings in Jena, for example, consume on average 15 percent less energy per square meter per year than the national average, and the school buildings even 22 percent less.
Nevertheless, we can all contribute to saving energy, whether in our private or professional lives, with prudent behavior.
Further information
⚓ Energy saving tips for consumers

Energy saving tips in different languages
- Simple language (PDF)
- English (PDF)
- Arabic (PDF)
- Darian (PDF)
- French (PDF)
- Croatian (PDF)
- Kurdish (PDF)
- Persian (PDF)
- Polish (PDF)
- Romanian (PDF)
- Russian (PDF)
- Spanish (PDF)
- Turkish (PDF)
Adjusting heating optimally - advice is encouraged
⚓ Information for companies and traders

Information on energy supply specifically for companies is provided by the Jena Economic Development Agency on its website. An overview of the currently applicable regulations for short- and medium-term energy saving measures of the federal government and the city of Jena is given. In addition, the most important information and relevant contact persons are compiled there.
⚓ Impact on the cultural and tourism sector

- Energy crisis - information and recommendations for action (Tourismusnetzwerk Thüringen)
- The realization of Christmas markets is possible without restrictions (also with regard to outdoor lighting).
⚓ Information on energy market development

- Current situation of gas supply in Germany (Federal Network Agency) - Current situation reports
- Information from the network operator (Stadtwerke Jena Netze) - Information on the current situation, gas crisis precautions
- Current market information (Stadtwerke Jena) - Information, for example, on state levies, price adjustments, crisis precautions
⚓ Services

- Information on the EU energy label
- Energy cost crisis - Information for consumers from the Thuringian Ministry of Consumer Protection
- Energy consulting of the consumer center Thuringia
- Information campaign"Energy consulting services in Jena
- Funding database of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK)
- Energy consulting for residential buildings (Federal Office of Economics and Export Control)
- Energy consultant portal for homeowners
- Information portal on renewable energies (Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection)
- Adjusting heating optimally - consulting is subsidized by federal and state governments (PDF)
- Info page of Jenawohnen on the energy situation
- FAQ emergency plan of the federal government
- FAQs on security of supply in Thuringia
- Precautions for power and heating failure - BBK