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Daycare fees and parental pay - takeover | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Daycare fees and parental pay - takeover

Beim Team Familienservice können Sie einen Antrag auf Übernahme der Kigagebühren bzw. Elternentgelte für Tageseinrichtungen (Kindertagespflege / Kindergärten) gemäß § 90 Abs. 4 SGB VIII stellen.

Families who cannot reasonably be expected to bear the costs of using a day-care centre after the level of income to be determined according to a certain calculation scheme have a claim to the assumption or partial assumption of the costs. The determination of this reasonable burden is done by comparing the income and a burden limit.

Calculation of the income eligible for consideration in accordance with §§ 82-84 SGB XII

For the determination, the income of the child as well as of the parents or the parent with whom the child lives must be taken into account. Income includes all amounts that "accrue" to the family. The income of other persons who are not natural parents but who live in the same household, for example in the case of a marriage-like community, is not taken into account.

Income includes, for example, net income from employment, net income from self-employment, BAföG/vocational training allowance (BAB), pensions, income from assets (interest income, rental income or similar), sickness benefit, parental/maternity allowance, child benefit, maintenance payments, advance maintenance payments, housing benefit and unemployment benefit I.

Statutory or appropriate insurance contributions (e.g. household or liability insurance; without proof, a lump sum of € 30.00 per adult person is taken into account), contributions to the state-subsidised Riester pension and the necessary expenses associated with earning the income (e.g. travel costs to work - one way x € 5.20 -, working materials, contributions to professional associations) must be deducted from this income. In addition, alimony payments up to the statutory amount can be taken into account as a special burden.

The income as well as the expenses claimed are to be proven by means of suitable documents.

Determination of the burden limit according to § 85 SGB XII

The burden limit results from fixed amounts for the head of the household (basic amount, twice the standard requirement of level 1) and each further family member (family supplement, 70 % of the standard requirement of level 1) as well as the expenses for accommodation -> gross cold rent (cold rent + cold operating costs) taking into account the so-called rent ceiling.

This currently results in the following values, which are used as a basis for a decision:

Household members 2 3 4 5
Basic amount 848,00 € 848,00 € 848,00 € 848,00 €
Family allowance 297,00 € 594,00 € 891,00 € 1.188,00 €
Maximum gross rent 419,40 € 525,00 € 706,50 € 1.011,15 €
Load limit 1.564,40 € 1.967,00 € 2.445,50 € 3.047,15 €

Assumption / partial assumption according to § 87 SGB XII

If the income that can be taken into account is below the limit, the costs for the use of a child day care facility are paid in full.

If the income that can be taken into account is above the limit, 70 % of the excess is to be borne as a so-called "own contribution" via the family income. If the personal contribution does not fully cover the total claim, the excess amount is waived.


The application must be submitted in writing to the Bürger- und Familienservice, Team Familienservice, Löbdergraben 12, 07743 Jena, 2nd floor.


Costs can be covered from the month of application at the earliest. Retroactive assumption of costs is not possible under any circumstances. In case of an approval, the decision is limited in time. The notice of granting contains a reference to the date by which a follow-up application must be submitted. After the end of the approval period, no further request to submit a follow-up application will be made.

Required proof of income

  • Current gross income of the parent(s) (current pay slip(s))
  • Self-employment of the parent(s) (tax assessment notice(s), business assessment (BWA), income statement (EÜR))
  • Child benefit as of the 2nd child (current proof, e.g. bank statement or similar - not older than 3 months)
  • Maintenance / maintenance advance (e.g. bank statement or similar)
  • Parental allowance / maternity allowance
  • BAföG / vocational training allowance (BAB) / scholarship (complete)
  • ALG I
  • Pensions (e.g. pension for reduced earning capacity, disability pension, orphan's pension)
  • Other income in money or money's worth

Required proof of expenses

  • Invoice of the day care center for the amount of the parents' fee (only in case of free providers, which are not calculated by the family service team of the city of Jena)
  • Expenses for accommodation (cold rent + cold operating costs - tenancy agreement, current statement of operating costs, in case of residential property: proof of operating costs and, if applicable, interest and redemption schedule)
  • Maintenance payments (for children who do not live in the same household)
  • Insurance premiums (e.g. household or liability insurance, for voluntarily insured persons: health, nursing care and pension insurance)
  • Travel costs to work (monthly travel pass, one-way distance to work in km and motor vehicle liability insurance)
  • Other expenses (e.g. contributions to the state-subsidised Riester pension, contributions to professional associations and costs for double housekeeping)

Terminvereinbarung möglich

Bitte beachten Sie, dass für eine persönliche Vorsprache eine Terminvereinbarung möglich ist. Diese können Sie entweder über die Online-Terminvereinbarung Familienservice oder telefonisch vornehmen.

Es wird darum gebeten, dass Sie Ihre Anliegen möglichst per Post, Fax, E-Mail oder telefonisch erledigen.

Tag Zeiten
Montag 08:30  – 13:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:30  – 18:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 09:00  – 13:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:30  – 16:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:30  – 13:00 Uhr


Im Zeitraum 23.12.2024 bis 01.01.2025 hat der Familienservice geschlossen.

  • Book Eight of the Social Code (SGB VIII)
  • Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB XII)