Banking for asylum seekers
People in the asylum procedure often do not yet have an account. You will then receive cash benefits in accordance with the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act. You can collect the money from the relevant social welfare office (social services department) with a cash card.
Without an account, there are various problems in everyday life, e.g. it is hardly possible to pay for school lunches from some providers.
The difficulties in opening an account result from the banks' requirement that every applicant must have valid passport documents in accordance with the Money Laundering Act. According to the Payment Accounts Act, everyone is entitled to a basic account, i.e. a current account with the most basic payment functions.
With the Payment Account Identity Verification Ordinance, the Federal Ministry of the Interior has stipulated that since July 7, 2016, the official proof of arrival is sufficient for asylum seekers and the notification of toleration is sufficient for tolerated persons to enable an identity check within the meaning of the Money Laundering Act.