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Health tips | Jena Gesundheit Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Health tips

Lack of exercise is one of the most important risk factors for many chronic diseases in our modern times. Sufficient physical activity has a clear protective effect on many widespread complaints and diseases such as obesity, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes II, bone loss (osteoporosis) as well as colon and breast cancer. If we exercise regularly, we feel healthier physically and psychologically. In principle, however, for people who are very little physically active, every step towards more exercise is valuable and useful!

The Federal Ministry of Health recommends at least 2 1/2 hours of endurance sport of medium intensity per week for adults. This may include cycling, brisk walking or gardening; many leisure activities also have a medium intensity. However, the decisive factor in promoting one's own health is the conversion from inactivity to regular exercise integrated into everyday life. Although the positive effect on health increases with more intensive, more frequent exercise, more emphasis must also be placed on a balanced relationship between activity, recovery and healthy eating.

Adults with health problems or disabilities also benefit from regular exercise, but the type and intensity should be discussed with the treating physician if necessary.

Stress is a reaction of our body to burdens that we cannot cope with - or believe we cannot cope with. It is an old human protection mechanism that collects all energy in dangerous situations to either fight or flee. In today's world, however, we are put under stress by completely different circumstances: whether it is the many demands at work or in the family, time pressure, permanent over- or underchallenge. The physical pressure under which the stress puts us often finds no outlet.

A certain amount of positive stress is healthy. Permanent stress, on the other hand, is not only exhausting, it also increases the risk of various diseases. These include in particular cardiovascular diseases, digestive disorders, tension and headaches, but also a generally increased susceptibility to infections.

There are many possibilities to do something actively against stress. In addition to sufficient exercise, various relaxation techniques have proven their worth. Here you will find an overview of the most important relaxation techniques. In Jena, for example, various courses on the subject of relaxation are held at the adult education centre. Many health insurance companies offer their own courses as part of their preventive mandate or participate in local offers - it is worthwhile to ask.

A healthy and balanced diet is important for our well-being and health. An imbalance in nutrients inevitably leads to diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and lipid metabolism disorders.

For healthy people, the Nutrition Circle of the German Society for Nutrition as well as the 10 rules for full-fledged eating and drinking are suitable for orientation.

If you are already suffering from chronic diseases, you should consult your family doctor or an experienced nutritionist before changing your diet, rather than trying diets on your own.