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Jena energy saving measures | Jena Rathaus Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Jena energy saving measures


The city of Jena draws a positive balance of the energy-saving measures started in the summer of 2022 and reinforced by the federal energy-saving ordinance.

  • At Jena's pool operations, it was possible to save around 515.9 MWh (approx. 5%) by lowering the pool water and room temperature by 2°C, reducing the temperature of hot water in the facilities from 75°C to 70°C, and reducing the running time of electricity consumers (including pumping systems and blowers).
  • To reduce consumption in municipal buildings, approximately 140 undersink storage tanks (hot water boilers) were dismantled in public administration buildings. Schools, daycare centers and other social facilities were excluded. This measure saved around 18 MWh of energy.
  • In addition, the room temperature was lowered in all public buildings. Daycare centers, schools and other social facilities were also excluded. As a result, the district heating consumption of the city administration was reduced by 20% (288MWh).
  • By switching off the street lighting on Stadtrodaer Straße (excluding junctions), almost 180 MWh could be saved.

Saving energy remains the order of the day

The energy crisis triggered by the Russian war of aggression has not yet been overcome.

"Saving energy remains the order of the day, also in view of the recently adopted Climate Action Plan of the City of Jena" said Mayor Christian Gerlitz.

Some measures are therefore being withdrawn subject to new developments, and some are being retained or further developed with a view to particularly positive savings effects.

The website will continue to publish tips on how to save energy or current developments and offers of help.

The following energy saving measures will be continued:

a.) within the city administration and municipal enterprises

Dismantled hot water boilers: The Workplace Safety Ordinance (Section 4.1 Sanitary Rooms) states that hot water shall be provided only when needed. The need is determined by the employer as part of the risk assessment. Based on the determination to dismantle (except in the Health Department), old boilers should not be reinstalled for energy conservation and cost reasons.

Continuous review of conservation measures: This includes re-emptying off-duty structural units in administrative buildings between Christmas and New Year's Day. For example, timely notification of vacations or extended absences could allow individual offices to be lowered, thus saving energy.

Air conditioning of rooms in summer: This should be increased to 27°C instead of the current 24°C.

Prepared emergency measures: These will remain in place in the event of a gas shortage in the coming heating period.

b.) in the urban area of Jena

Switching off the street lighting on Stadtrodaer StrasseDue to the high savings potential, the low burden on citizens caused by the measure and the lack of negative consequences for traffic safety, the measure will be continued in a modified form. In the future, the switch-off will take place during the night hours between 23:00 and 5:00.

The following energy saving measures will be withdrawn for the time being:

a.) within the city administration and city-owned enterprises

Room temperature in municipal buildings: With the expiration of the energy saving regulation the room temperature was raised again. A renewed temperature reduction in the coming heating period will not be preventive, but only on the basis of the current ordinance situation. Secondary areas in buildings should continue to be regularly excluded from heating.

b.) in the city of Jena

Lighting of representative buildings: Already on 29.07.2022 the lighting was switched off. In view of the current situation, lighting is possible again, subject to evaluation of the specific lighting times.

Lighting of infrastructure facilities are already at a very high level of efficiency, so that major increases would only be feasible at considerable financial expense. Kommunalservice Jena continues to focus on the continuous optimization of facilities in new construction and maintenance.

Pool temperature at GalaxSea Jena: The water temperature was raised again to the original value.

No significant increase in energy lockouts in Jena

After consultation in the crisis team, both the municipal institutions and the housing industry provided information through various channels about the possibilities of avoiding energy debts and freezes. Advice was offered, budget increases were proposed and information was provided on the possibilities of an avoidance agreement. Overall, there have been no significant increases in the number of energy disconnections compared with previous years. However, the effects of the energy crisis could intensify during 2023 or the first half of 2024, as price increases are only now having an impact on end users or operating cost statements are being prepared for 2022 and 2023. In this regard, the city administration and Stadtwerke Jena have agreed on ongoing monitoring of developments in order to be able to respond in good time if necessary.

Furthermore, energy debt assumption by the Corona and Energy Assistance Fund is possible. Applications and a checklist can be found on the website - Schuldnerberatung.
