
Municipal cemeteries logo

The municipal cemeteries include 21 municipal cemeteries with an area of approx. 25 hectares. Almost all deceased residents of Jena are buried here.

The city's cemeteries are places of remembrance, mourning and reflection. They reflect the cultural history of the region and also provide a refuge for plants and animals.

The main cemetery is the 22-hectare North Cemetery with over 9,000 graves, a cemetery hall and crematorium.
The administration of the municipal cemeteries is also located here.

A ceremony hall for funeral services is available at these cemeteries:

  • North Cemetery
  • Eastern cemetery
  • and the cemeteries in Closewitz, Göschwitz, Lobeda Altstadt, Wöllnitz and Ziegenhain with the most basic facilities.

Cemetery administration

Hufelandweg 4
07743 Jena

Opening hours

Mon 08:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00

Tue, Wed 08:00-12:00

Thu 08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

Fri 08:00-11:00

To avoid waiting times, please make an appointment in advance by telephone.


North Cemetery

Today, Jena's North Cemetery is not only one of the most scenic cemeteries in Germany, it is also an important cultural and historical monument. Large parts of the North Cemetery are listed as a garden monument.

Location: Hufelandweg 4
Accessibility by public transportation: Lines 1, 4, 34 stops Nordfriedhof, Scharnhorststraße, line 15 stop Scharnhorststraße
Area of the cemetery: 21.85 ha
Number of gravesites: 9,050

The cemetery administration at the Nordfriedhof cemetery is responsible for registering the death, selecting the grave site and arranging the date for the funeral service and burial. We will be happy to advise you on the design of gravesites and gravestones and provide information on the use of the gravesites.
Further information can be found on the cemetery administration website.

in 1887, the architect Carl Timler designed and built the celebration hall in the neoclassical style. The clinker brick building with limestone and sandstone pillars is still used as a ceremony hall today. It offers space for 75 mourners and is equipped with an organ and sound system.

For smaller mourning parties, a ceremony hall with 20 seats is available on the Nordfriehof. In the room for farewells, it is possible to say goodbye to the deceased with an open or closed coffin in the closest family circle. A farewell room is also available for use at the weekend or for a longer period.

Exterior view of the ceremonial hall at the North Cemetery
Exterior view of the ceremonial hall at the North Cemetery

There are various types of grave to choose from:

  • Urn graves
  • Burial plots in rows
  • Urn burial plots in various sizes
  • Burial plots with one or two digits
  • Urn community without name,
  • Urn community with name
  • Urn niches in the columbarium
  • Tree gravesites and near-natural burial

Maintained graves in hornbeam square

The care graves make it possible to commemorate the dead individually using a convenient service package. The horticultural care of the ground cover over the entire period of use is guaranteed by the municipal cemeteries, as is the production and delivery of the gravestone. This gives you the certainty of a well-kept gravesite for decades. Up to two urns can be buried in the grave. You can also arrange for the necessary renewal and the postscript at the cemetery administration.
Special design regulations apply to the care graves. Only the gravestones specified by the municipal cemeteries may be erected. Borders of any kind are not permitted. The existing planting with ground cover must be maintained.

Grave monument sponsorship

In order to preserve historical gravestones, sponsorships of gravestones worthy of preservation are offered. At the same time, the right of burial is granted for these gravesites. Interested parties can obtain detailed advice on this from the cemetery administration.

Gravesites of honorary citizens and gravesites worthy of protection

There are also numerous graves of honorary citizens and graves worthy of protection in the cemeteries. Maps and explanations are available under 'Downloads'.

  • 27 gravesites of honorary citizens,
  • 68 graves worthy of protection
  • 635 graves of victims of war and violence from various nations
View from the northern cemetery at the Lindenbrunnen
View from the northern cemetery at the Lindenbrunnen

The café "C'est la vie"

The café at the North Cemetery is a meeting place for cemetery visitors and mourners. Suitable cultural events and exhibitions also take place here. Coffee, homemade cakes and snacks are served in a cozy atmosphere.
The entrance to the café is located in the parking lot near the ceremony hall.

You are welcome to reserve seats for the funeral party.

Café "C'est la vie"
Am Nordfriedhof 2
07743 Jena

Operator: Mrs. Doreen Hornbogen
Phone: 0160 8348712
Web: cafecestlavie.wordpress.com (external link)

Café "C'est la vie"
Café "C'est la vie"

Flower store "Vergissmeinnicht"

Hufelandweg 4 (at the northern cemetery)

Owner: Mrs. Maria Gueinzius
Phone: (03641) 9284115
Web: www.blumenladen-vergissmeinnicht.de (external link)

  • Flowers for every occasion, including funeral flowers and ribbon printing
  • Various services
Exterior view of the flower store "Vergissmeinnicht"
Exterior view of the flower store "Vergissmeinnicht"

The crematorium for the deceased from the city of Jena and the region, which was rebuilt in 2016, is located at the North Cemetery.
Cremation is possible just 2 to 3 days after death.

Further information can be found on the 'Crematorium' website.

Exterior view of the crematorium
Exterior view of the crematorium

Chronology of the Jena North Cemetery

  • 1884 First municipal cemetery (previously Johannisfriedhof at the Friedenskirche)
  • 1886 Eight square burial plots for earth burial in rows, surrounded by outer graves and the urn grove (UH) I and II, are created. The designer was the garden inspector Carl Ludwig Heinrich Maurer. 300 lime trees were planted along the main paths and over 100 chestnut trees were planted starting from Hufelandweg.
  • 1887 Construction of a mortuary and cemetery chapel (celebration hall) in neoclassical style - clinker brick building made of local limestone and Pirna sandstone (master builder: Theodor Hartmann, architect: Carl Timmler)
  • 1889 Cemetery and burial regulations for the first municipal cemetery
  • 1889 First burial, closure of the Johannis cemetery (burials in existing gravesites until 1950)
  • 1894 Foundation of the "Association for Cremation" (Chairman: pathologist Prof. Leubuscher supported by zoologist and natural philosopher Ernst Haeckel)
  • 1897 Construction of the crematorium (the fifth in Germany)
  • 1898 First cremation, first urn burial and second cremation (William Haak, Urnenhain I)
  • 1906 Takeover of the crematorium by the city of Jena
  • 1909 Connection of the crematorium with the ceremonial hall and construction of a cremation facility and second cremation oven
  • 1910 Expansion of the cemetery begins, according to plans by city gardener Jakob Wychram, to include today's burial plots 9 - 14 and Urnenhain II.
  • 1914-1918 Graves of honor for 276 soldiers of the First World War who died in Jena military hospitals in field 11
  • 1918 Expansion of the cemetery to include burial plots 17 - 20 according to designs by cemetery inspector Ludwig Gierig
  • 1925 New fields 21 - 24 laid out by emergency workers
  • 1921-1926 Design of urn grove III according to designs by cemetery inspector Gustav Diekmann
  • 1931-1939 Design of urn grove IV
  • 1943-1945 Burial of the deceased of World War II in fields 7b, 16 and 27
  • 1950 Creation of the municipal business enterprise (KWU)
  • 1958 Construction of the bridge over the Munketal valley
  • 1965 Merger of VEG Stadtgärtnerei, Versorgungs- und Dienstleistungsbetrieb Friedhof, Park- und Grünanlagen to form VEB (K) Landschaftsgestaltung
  • 1966 First urn community facility in Urnenhain IV
  • 1972 Integration of the municipal cemeteries into VEB (K) Stadtwirtschaft
  • 1976 Construction of a 30 m high industrial chimney for the crematorium
  • 1987 Reconstruction of the crematorium and cemetery hall
  • 1991 Foundation of the garden and cemetery office, construction of a new social building for the gardeners, reconstruction of the ceremony halls in the outdoor cemeteries
  • 1991/1992 Redesign of urn grove IIIb
  • 1994 Construction of the urn communal facilities in urn grove IV field 10, reconstruction of the war graves with the help of Bundeswehr soldiers
  • 1995 Complete renovation of the administration building
  • 1996 First set of honorary graves
  • 1997 Reconstruction of Field 4
  • 1998 Installation of a filter system in the crematorium
  • 1999 Extension with the urn community Field 17
  • 2000 Forecourt of the crematorium; extension with the row grave field 19
  • 2001 Administration forecourt
  • 2002 Expansion of Field 2 with burial plots of choice
  • 2003 Retaining wall parking lot, field 18
  • 2003 Integration into municipal service in July
  • 2004 Lindenbrunnenplätze - gardener-maintained urn gravesites in the North Cemetery with metal artwork by Fleischmann (Weimar) for UGA in the urn grove and limestone sculpture by Neuhäuser (Gröben)
  • 2005 Forecourt of the ceremonial hall
  • 2011 Urn niches with 63 spaces in field 7a
  • 2014 Tree graves in field 12 (8 urn graves around an ornamental apple tree, 18 young trees) and near-natural burial in UHIV field 11
  • 2015 Construction of a new crematorium with cremation facility on the grounds of the North Cemetery
  • 2016 Expansion of the urn niche facility in field 7a
  • 2017 Muslim burial in field 30
  • 2018 Expansion of the urn niche facility in field 7a
  • 2019 Urn community with names and perennial planting in field 6 C
  • 2019 Expansion of the natural burial area by 180 trees
  • 2019 Construction of two urn walls with 120 urn niches in UHIV/12
  • 2022 Expansion of the urn niches in UHIV/12 by 180 niches
  • 2022 Creation of new care graves in field 4
1. Februar bis 15. März  07:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
16. März bis 30. September  07:00 bis 20:00 Uhr
1. Oktober bis 31. Oktober 07:00 bis 18:00 Uhr
1. November bis 31. Januar 07:00 bis 17:00 Uhr




Other municipal cemeteries

Celebration hall at the East Cemetery
Celebration hall at the East Cemetery

Eastern cemetery

Location: Finkenweg

Accessibility by public transport: Line 14, Steinborn stop

Area of the cemetery: 2.22 ha

Number of graves: 1,150

the eastern cemetery was inaugurated in 1907.

Cemetery hall

The ceremony hall, built in 1908, has 47 seats and a separate farewell room. in 2002, the masonry was insulated and the interior renovated.

Burial sites

  • Choice of urn graves
  • garden urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns

There are honorary graves at the Ostfriedhof for:

  • Gustav Lemnitz (city councillor and foreman),
  • Wilhelm Härdrich (engineer),
  • Hans Schlag (architect),
  • Klaus Peter Hertzsch (theologian)

and war graves of:

  • 14 unknown Buchenwald prisoners who were shot during the evacuation march through Jena.
  • The tomb of master baker Zahn, dating from 1911, is the oldest tomb still in existence today.

Ammerbach cemetery

Location: between Buchaer Straße and Ammerbacher Straße

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 12, Ammmerbach Ort stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.32 ha

Number of graves: 450

The cemetery, which was established in 1898 to the east of the district, has been extended four times and today serves as a burial site for urns for the residents of Ammerbach, Beutenberg, Ringwiese and Winzerla.

Celebration hall

The small cemetery hall, built in 1902, forms the center of the cemetery with its clinker brickwork. One of the two water points is located in the immediate vicinity.


  • Choice of urn burial sites in various sizes
Celebration hall at the Ammerbach cemetery
Celebration hall at the Ammerbach cemetery
Celebration hall at the Burgau cemetery
Celebration hall at the Burgau cemetery

Burgau cemetery

Location: between Göschwitzer Straße and Keßlerstraße

Accessibility by public transportation: Lines 3, 4, 5, 13, 34, 35, 41 Burgau stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.24 ha

Number of gravesites: 110

As the cemetery at the church was insufficient, a communal cemetery was opened in 1914 adjacent to the parish garden. A mortuary from 1920, which is no longer in use, is located on the side facing the church.

Burial sites

  • Urn burial sites
  • Human-pet urn gravesites
  • gardener-maintained urn gravesites

Closewitz cemetery

Location: Closewitz
The Closewitz cemetery is located at the entrance to the village, coming from the Rautal valley.

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 16 Cospeda stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.15 ha

Number of graves: 45

Memorial hall

The simply furnished ceremony hall can be used and offers seating for 15 people.


  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardener-maintained urn burial plots
Celebration hall at the Closewitz cemetery
Celebration hall at the Closewitz cemetery
Cospeda cemetery
Cospeda cemetery

Cospeda cemetery

Location: Kirchgasse

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 16 Cospeda stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.06 ha

Number of gravesites: 45

Description of the cemetery

Passing the church cemetery and the church, you reach the communal cemetery. The watering place is also located here.


  • Urn burial sites
  • Burial plots

Drackendorf cemetery

Location: At Goethepark

Accessibility by public transportation: Lines 3, 5, 34, 35 Richard-Sorge-Straße stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.06 ha

Number of gravesites: 25

The municipal cemetery is located in the immediate vicinity of Drackendorfer Park and next to the church. The cemetery is available for the burial of residents of the Drackendorf district.

Burial sites

  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots
Drackendorf cemetery
Drackendorf cemetery
Celebration hall at the Göschwitz cemetery
Celebration hall at the Göschwitz cemetery

Göschwitz cemetery

Location: Alte Hauptstraße
The cemetery is located on the north-western edge of the village in the middle of meadows.

Accessibility by public transportation: Lines 12, 13 Göschwitz Kirche stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.2 ha

Number of graves: 100

Memorial hall

The 60 m² cemetery hall, built in 1906 from prefabricated reinforced concrete elements, is a listed building and can be used as such.

Burial sites

  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardener-maintained urn gravesites
  • Gravesite of Adolf Grosch

Ilmnitz cemetery

Location: Ilmnitzer Dorfstraße
The small municipal cemetery is located on a hill in the east of Ilmnitz.

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 443 Ilmnitz stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.02 ha

Number of gravesites: 20

Burial sites

  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardened urn gravesites

This is the war grave of a 17-year-old soldier from the Second World War.

Ilmnitz cemetery
Ilmnitz cemetery
Isserstedt cemetery
Isserstedt cemetery

Isserstedt cemetery

Location: Am Rasen

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 16 Isserstedt Ort stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.17 ha

Number of gravesites: 100


  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardened urn burial plots

Grave sites worthy of protection: Hugo Becker and the Schunke family, the war grave of a soldier from the 2nd World War

Jenaprießnitz cemetery

Location: Dorfstraße, corner of Friedhofsweg
The cemetery is located on the western edge of the village.

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 431 Wogau stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.10 ha

Number of gravesites: 70


  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardened urn burial plots
  • the war grave of a soldier from the 2nd World War

Cemetery Krippendorf

Location: Zur Windmühle
The cemetery is located on the northern edge of the village.

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 16 Krippendorf stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.15 ha

Number of gravesites: 30

Burial sites

  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots
  • the war grave of an unknown soldier from the 2nd World War
Cemetery Krippendorf
Cemetery Krippendorf
Lichtenhain cemetery
Lichtenhain cemetery

Lichtenhain cemetery

Location: Lichtenhainer Oberweg

Accessibility by public transportation: Lines 10, 11, 13 stop Fachhochschule or Hermann-Löns-Straße

Area of the cemetery: 0.45 ha

Number of gravesites: 230

The municipal cemetery, founded in 1882, already existed before the incorporation of Lichtenhain in 1913. Only the foundation walls of the cemetery hall built in 1898 remain.
The Zeiss industrial building 6/70, which was completed in the neighborhood in 1972, dominates the appearance of the cemetery.

Burial sites

  • Urn burial sites
  • Burial plots

Lobeda Old Town Cemetery

Location: At the cemetery

Accessibility by public transportation: Lines 4, 5, 34 Lobeda stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.53 ha

Number of gravesites: 1000

Cemetery hall

The cemetery has been used since 1891. Shady 120-year-old lime trees stand by the wayside cross.
The 36 m² worship room of the ceremonial hall, built in 1911, is still used today for simple funeral services.

Burial sites

  • Choice of urn gravesites in various sizes

The oldest remaining grave is that of Friedrich Herdrich from 1891.
A memorial designed by the architects Schreiter and Schlag was dedicated in 1928 to commemorate the fallen of the First World War. War graves of 18 victims of the Second World War can be found in the cemetery.

Celebration hall at the Lobeda Old Town cemetery
Celebration hall at the Lobeda Old Town cemetery
Maua cemetery
Maua cemetery

Maua cemetery

Location: At the cemetery

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 13 Maua stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.07 ha

Number of gravesites: 10

Memorial hall

The communal cemetery is located directly next to the church and adjacent to the church cemetery at the no longer used celebration hall.

Burial sites

  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardened urn gravesites

Münchenroda Cemetery

Location: Münchenrodaer Straße

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 18 shared call cab, stop Lucas-Cranach-Allee

Area of the cemetery: 0.25 ha

Number of gravesites: 40

The cemetery is located between the new residential area and the original site.


  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots
Münchenroda cemetery
Münchenroda cemetery
Winzerla cemetery
Winzerla cemetery

Winzerla cemetery

Location: Friedensweg

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 12, 13 Winzergasse stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.22 ha

Number of gravesites: 340


  • Choice of urn graves
  • gardened urn gravesites
  • War graves of 19 civilian victims of the 2nd World War

Wogau cemetery

Location: Wilhelm-Hauff-Weg

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 431 Wogau stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.09 ha

Number of gravesites: 50


  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardened urn burial plots
  • War grave for three unknown prisoners from the Buchenwald concentration camp who were shot on the evacuation march through Wogau
Wogau cemetery
Wogau cemetery
Wöllnitz cemetery
Wöllnitz cemetery

Wöllnitz cemetery

Location: In the Krähmer, at the end of the village at the entrance to the Pennicken valley

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 41, 431, 443 Wöllnitz stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.25 ha

Number of gravesites: 70

Cemetery hall

The ceremony hall, built in 1921, is still used today for simple funeral services.


  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardened urn gravesites
  • War graves of 9 civilian victims of the 2nd World War

Ziegenhain cemetery

Location: Grundweg

Accessibility by public transportation: Line 16, stop Ziegenhainer Tal, call cab Ziegenhain

Area of the cemetery: 0.22 ha

Number of gravesites: 160

Cemetery hall

The cemetery was established in 1856 and is the oldest municipal cemetery in Jena. After the renovation of the cemetery hall, which was built in 1921, in 1998, it can once again be used as a mourning hall.

Burial sites

  • Urn burial sites
  • gardener-maintained urn gravesites

The burial site of honorary citizen Albert Heintz is also located here.

Celebration hall at the Ziegenhain cemetery
Celebration hall at the Ziegenhain cemetery
Celebration hall at the Zwätzen cemetery
Celebration hall at the zwätzen cemetery

zwätzen cemetery

Location: Kreuzgasse

Accessibility by public transportation: Lines 1, 4, 34 zwätzen Schleife stop

Area of the cemetery: 0.28 ha

Number of gravesites: 150

Cemetery hall

The cemetery has existed since 1895 and a cemetery hall was built in 1912.

Burial sites

  • Urn burial plots
  • Burial plots for urns
  • gardened urn burial plots
  • Memorial to the victims of the 1st World War,
  • Plaque at the ceremonial hall for the victims of the 2nd World War,
  • War graves of 5 German soldiers from the 2nd World War
  • Gravesite of Emil Elsässer, director of the agricultural school, worthy of protection

Cemetery administration

Hufelandweg 4
07743 Jena

Opening hours

Mon 08:00-12:00, 13:00-15:00

Tue, Wed 08:00-12:00

Thu 08:00-12:00, 13:00-17:00

Fri 08:00-11:00

To avoid waiting times, please make an appointment in advance by telephone.
