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Lasting power of attorney and care directive - advice and certification | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Lasting power of attorney and care directive - advice and certification

Mit vorsorglichen Verfügungen wie Vorsorgevollmacht oder Betreuungsverfügung können Sie festlegen, wer Ihre Angelegenheiten besorgen und für Sie entscheiden kann, falls Sie infolge eines plötzlichen Unfalls, einer Krankheit oder eines allmählichen Nachlassens ihrer geistigen Kräfte dazu nicht mehr oder nur noch teilweise in der Lage sind. Dabei können Sie im Einzelnen festlegen, auf welche Bereiche sich diese Vollmacht bzw. Verfügung erstrecken soll.

Bitte beachten Sie, dass Vollmachten immer auch Risiken in sich bergen. Hierzu berät Sie die Betreuungsbehörde gern.

Health care proxy

With a health care proxy, you can authorise a representative as a precautionary measure who can take care of your affairs and make decisions for you if you are no longer or only partially able to do so as a result of a sudden accident, illness or a gradual decline in your mental powers. You can specify in detail the areas to which this power of attorney should extend.

This means that a court appointment of your trusted person as guardian is not necessary (exception: a specific area that becomes necessary is not covered by the power of attorney).

You should only grant a power of attorney if you have unlimited trust.

Twice a year, the association"Grenzenlos e. V." holds lectures with information and practical advice on how to grant a power of attorney for health care.

Your health care proxy can be publicly certified at the guardianship office. Then your power of attorney holder can also make declarations to the land registry or the commercial register or declare an inheritance. This also increases the value of your publicly certified power of attorney vis-à-vis banks and savings banks.

You can also register your health care proxy in the "Central Register of Health Care Providers".

Care directive

With a care directive, you can specify who should be your court-appointed guardian in the event of your own incapacity to deal with certain matters. A care directive is appropriate in practice if you do not wish to grant a power of attorney. A care order does not constitute a power of representation. In most cases, a care order is included in a health care power of attorney, so they do not need to fill out a separate form.

You should draw up a care directive if you wish to be cared for by a specific person who is to be appointed and controlled by the care court. Here you can also specify who you do not want to be looked after by the court under any circumstances.

You can also obtain advice on a living will from the care authority. Practical advice on drawing up a living will can be obtained from the " Förderverein Hospiz Jena e. V.".

  • Identity card
  • completed power of attorney (-> see Downloads)
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08:00 - 12:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:00 - 12:00 Uhr und 13:30 - 17:00 Uhr


Service Fee
public certification 10 €


Team guardianship authority

Lutherplatz 3
07745 Jena