Start of training at the ksj

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Our trainees 2022

Five young people started their apprenticeships at Kommunalservice on August 29 and are being trained as electronics technicians, automotive mechatronics technicians, office management assistants and gardeners.

The music played here!

Katrin Höckrich, Deputy Plant Manager, welcomed the trainees to their induction day, where they were given their first insights into the company and its environment. Together with the trainers and the older trainees, the day was rounded off with a DJ workshop.

"With the introduction day, we want to give the young people the opportunity to talk to those responsible for training and older trainees in a relaxed atmosphere and make initial contacts," says Beate Wahlmann, Training Coordinator. It was a successful start to the next three or three and a half years. At the same time, Kommunalservice Jena underlines its perception as an attractive training center in Jena and the surrounding area.

Training from 2023

The ksj is also looking for trainees again for 2023. "We would like to increase the number of trainees in order to counteract the growing shortage of skilled workers internally. In particular, we are looking for committed young people to train as civil engineering specialists (m/f/d) and professional drivers (m/f/d)," says Sabine Schau, Head of HR at the ksj. Offers can be found from fall 2022 on the usual internet portals and on (job offers).

We are happy to provide information on our training opportunities and job profiles at any time.

If you would like to get a first glimpse behind the scenes at Kommunalservice Jena, you can do so through a school/holiday internship or a voluntary ecological year. The ksj is also happy to accept applications at any time at