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Places wanted for mandatory internships in Jena companies | Jena Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Places wanted for mandatory internships in Jena companies


Internships particularly challenging in times of corona

The countdown to the start of the vacations is on - and for many students in Jena, the countdown to finding an internship in order to be able to attend various types of secondary school at vocational schools is also on. For them, an internship is a mandatory prerequisite for starting or successfully completing their school education. In Corona times, this can be a major hurdle, as many companies are currently unable or unwilling to supervise interns due to hygiene regulations. For this reason, the Jena Economic Development Corporation (JenaWirtschaft) and the Karl-Volkmar-Stoy School are appealing to Jena companies to find flexible solutions for pupils - and thus their future trainees.

Getting to know the skilled workers of tomorrow

An internship always pays off, not only for young people in vocational schools, but in all types of schools - regardless of whether you get to know a craft business or a high-tech company,

says JenaWirtschaft boss Wilfried Röpke.

Direct contact gives you the best insight into the various tasks, the working environment and, of course, potential future colleagues.

Companies also benefit from offering internships: They can get to know potential future trainees or working students, see if someone fits into the team and also "outsource" simple tasks. The young people are generally supervised by the schools; insurance is also covered.

Countering the shortage of skilled workers

Despite corona, the skilled labor situation for Jena companies remains tense - this is confirmed by the business survey conducted by the Economic Development Agency. Internships for young people are an ideal way to counter this shortage of skilled workers, but have become more difficult in times of corona. Daniela Drilltzsch, project manager for the JUPITER project - Jena's company platform for internships and career entry - is therefore appealing to companies to open their doors to school students despite the coronavirus restrictions:

All Jena companies can entertheir latent job offers in the portal free of charge. In addition to internships, this also includes vacation jobs, which also give pupils a first impression of the world of work.

According to Drilltzsch, the benefits for companies in the medium and long term outweigh the short-term challenges, such as adapting hygiene regulations.

Cooperation partners wanted

Specifically for the Stoyschule, principal Richard Brömel points out that the internships in the technical secondary school, vocational school and higher vocational school are regulated in Thuringian school regulations and the contracts are issued according to the models of the responsible ministry. As the internship is part of the school education, the company does not incur any wage costs.

Currently, around ten future technical secondary school students are still looking for an internship in the field of business and administration for three days a week throughout the year in order to be able to start their training on August 31, 2020,

says Uta Seibold-Pfeiffer, who is responsible for internships at the Stoyschule.

The companies should be able to provide qualified support and guidance for the interns throughout the year, with the interns working increasingly independently over the course of the internship.

Fünf Personen stehen auf Treppe und halten Buchstaben hoch
Appellieren an die Jenaer Unternehmen, Praktika zu ermöglichen: Vertreter von JenaWirtschaft und der Stoyschule Jena