Learn German
The best place to learn a new language is where it is alive. Mastering the German language is a prerequisite for successful integration. Your language skills give you access to new acquaintances, cultural exchange and new experiences.
If you learn German as quickly and with motivation as possible, you will demonstrably find your way around your new everyday life more quickly. You will find better access to relevant information and have a considerable advantage when entering the German training and job market.
Even if the saying goes "German language, difficult language!" - take courage, it's worth it!
Language levels
The levels of the German language acquisition courses are indicated as A1 for beginners to C2 for the highest language level.
The letters A, B and C are translated as follows:
- A1 and A2 prove that you can use the German language at an elementary level.
- B1 and B2 confirm that you can use the language independently.
- C1 certifies an advanced level of competence and C2 certifies near-native fluency.
Language of study
If you want to study in Germany, you will often have to prove that you have extensive knowledge of German. Your future university will require you to take the Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache (TestDaF) or the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) as proof of language proficiency. You can already take the TestDaF in your home country.
Preparatory German language courses are sometimes offered directly at the universities. Attending a preparatory college will also prepare you for the language requirements of your degree course.
If you are applying for an international degree course, you may not have to take a German test, but you will usually have to provide proof of extensive English language skills instead.
- German as a foreign language test
- DSH course at the Friedrich Schiller University
- DSH/telc/TestDaF preparation courses at the Friedrich Schiller University
- German language courses at the Ernst Abbe University
- International Study Center Thuringia: private preparatory college Jena
- State preparatory college Nordhausen
Language at work
Good language skills are also essential in the workplace. The better your command of the German language, the better your prospects of finding employment quickly.
The higher the qualifications required for your profession, the greater the demands placed on your German language skills. In certain healthcare professions, for example, your language level must be at least B2+.
If you are taking part in an integration course, the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees offers you job-related German language courses as advanced courses to further improve your qualifications for the job market.
Language and right of residence
The granting of residence permits or naturalization depends on your language skills. In order to be granted a settlement permit and a permanent residence permit, you must provide proof of a B1 level of competence.
A B1 certificate is also a prerequisite for naturalization. B1 skills are also required for an application for an independent, unlimited right of residence for children and for a residence permit for former Germans.
C1 language skills may be required in special cases when deciding on a residence permit for integrated children of tolerated foreigners or when applying for a residence permit for subsequent immigration of children.
Language and family immigration
Of course, it is not only important for you to speak German. If your family members come to Germany, they must not be dependent on your language skills in everyday life. Therefore, all family members need to have a sufficiently good knowledge of German.
Language level A1 is required
- Spouses of Germans for a residence permit,
- spouses of foreigners for a residence permit and
- family members of Germans for a settlement permit.
If you are not German yourself and your spouse is also coming to Germany, they must also take part in an integration course.
Language and children
Through direct contact with German-speaking peers, children quickly gain access to the new language and learn German within a very short time.
You support your child by giving them quick access to childcare facilities. Kindergartens and daycare centers in Jena are optimally equipped to accept and integrate foreign-language children.
You as parents also receive language support when it comes to looking after your children. If your own language skills are not yet sufficient, interpreters can be called in for initial appointments at the facilities, development meetings or parent-teacher discussions.
Older children attend school as soon as possible. Depending on their level of German, they can attend classes immediately or first improve their language skills. The schools set up special classes that learn German as a second language intensively under the guidance of specially qualified teachers, so-called DAZ classes. There are also other language courses on offer.
The educational institutions in Jena are supported both in an advisory capacity and with specific offers, for example by the Fachstelle Interkulturelle Öffnung or the Kindersprachbrücke association.
Language and integration courses
When residence permits are issued, it is often mandatory to take part in an integration course, and sometimes permission is granted. In both cases, you should definitely make use of this option.
Even as an EU citizen who is not legally entitled to attend an integration course, you can apply for admission to the Federal Office for Migration and Integration (BAMF) if your German is not yet particularly good.
In addition to the language, the course teaches basic knowledge about the culture, history and legal system in Germany. Not every German course is therefore also an integration course.
You are only required to attend a course that has been approved by the BAMF. The BAMF provides detailed information on course types, content, structure and duration as well as the certified integration course providers.
Many educational institutions that offer integration courses certified by the BAMF also offer interested parties the opportunity to participate in other language courses without official approval.
If you have been issued a certificate of eligibility by the Foreigners' Registration Office, use it to register with an integration course provider in your area. You are free to choose the course provider.
Based on your income, the BAMF will decide whether you can pay for the course yourself, attend it free of charge or, for example, pay a contribution of 1.95 euros per lesson.
If you do not receive a certificate of eligibility, you can apply to the BAMF for admission to the integration course. If this is approved, you will receive your eligibility certificate directly from the BAMF.