Forensic medical report
Der Fachdienst Gesundheit erstellt im Einzelfall Gutachten zur Vorlage bei Gerichten oder Haftanstalten. Die Begutachtung ist immer von den Besonderheiten der Einzelumstände sowie den Anforderungen und Fragestellungen der Institutionen der Rechtspflege und Vollzugsanstalten abhängig.
As a matter of principle, the Health Service only carries out forensic medical examinations for persons who have their place of residence in Jena, unless a court order to the contrary is issued.
The examinations are carried out on questions of the ability to travel or transport, the fitness to stand trial or to stand trial as well as the ability to be detained, provided that there is a medical indication.
A timely appointment is required. At least one hour should be allowed for the assessment.
Information on data protection
Information in accordance with Article 13 of the Basic Data Protection Regulation (DSGVO) on the processing of personal data can be found under Downloads.
- Identity card
- Court order/judgment containing the obligation to carry out the medical examination or order of the public prosecutor's office or correctional institution or youth detention centre with the obligation to provide a medical examination
- medical certificates or hospital reports
Opening hours
Aktuell können im Fachdienst Gesundheit wieder Begutachtungen durchgeführt werden. Hierfür vereinbaren Sie bitte einen Termin bei uns über den unten stehenden Ansprechpartner.
Service | Fee |
Official medical examination incl. expert opinion | 45,00 Euro |
Official medical examination incl. expert opinion - in case of obligation by court order |
free of charge |
Fees are charged on the basis of the Thuringian Administrative Costs Act (ThürVwKostG) in conjunction with the respective administrative cost regulations.
Please note that payments to the Health Department can only be made by EC or credit card.