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© CC-BY-NC-ND | Nightstalker

In 15 Tagen


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Die Heavy Stoner Urgesteine auf Tour mit der neuen Platte Return From The Point Of No Return

Formed in Greece, in late 1989, by singer (and at the time drummer) Argy and made truly stable with the addition of bassist Andreas in 1992, Nightstalker managed to meld their heavy rock influences with funky rhythms and grungy melodies to create a whole new beast. With all these elements in place they released the first EP in 1994 entitled „SideFx.“ With the release of their first full length album „USE“ in 1996, the band established themselves and their own trademark brand of dark heavy sounds. 2000 saw a slight shuffle in membership as well as a new EP, „The Ritual,“ which found Nightstalker treading further in to the realms of deepest, darkest Psychedelica. Line-up fully entrentched the ensuing pair of albums, 2004’s „Just A Burn“ and 2009’s „Superfreak“ garnered the band a new and loyal following across the world.

Which sets the stage for their dark masterpiece, „Dead Rock Commandos.“ Another albums worth of raw rock ’n roll simplicity, filled with stunning riffs and electric haze. More heavy sounds, groovy rhythms and intense bass playing all merging with the power of Argy’s vocals, which is the secret to the music ofNightstalker that has kept the band going for more than 20 years and made them one of the most important bands in the history of the European Hard Rock scene. Call it whatever you want, but do so at your own risk.

In 2019 the band has signed with the cult label Heavy Psych Sounds Records and released the new album GREAT HALLUCINATIONS !!!
Now it’s time for the repress of the entire catalogue and a brand new album coming in early 2025!

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KuBa Jena
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416


Cosmic Dawn e. V.
Spitzweidenweg 28
07743 Jena

Tel.: +49 (0) 178 8454416

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