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Adjustment of parking fees from 01.02.2025 | Jena Mobilität Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Adjustment of parking fees from 01.02.2025


Press release, 11.12.2024

Adjustment of parking fees in Jena - for the climate and more quality of stay

The city of Jena is raising parking fees for public parking spaces and resident parking as of 01.02.2025 in order to motivate more people to switch to climate-friendly means of transport and to relieve public spaces of parked cars and thus use them more fairly. The aim is to achieve greater safety and an improved quality of life, particularly in the city center. The city of Jena is thus implementing an immediate measure from the Climate Action Plan.

Lord Mayor Dr. Thomas Nitzsche says of the planned increase in charges: "The city of Jena is facing a decisive change with the adjustment of parking charges. Parking for free will no longer be possible in cities. Firstly, publicly provided spaces for parking have a very real value. Secondly, we want to motivate visitors to our city to use the multi-storey and underground parking lots more than before. After all, fewer cars parked above ground mean a better quality of life in the city. This makes Jena more liveable and sustainable."

Mayor and Head of Urban Development Christian Gerlitz adds: "For years, we have seen initiatives from both the population and the city council parties to test resident parking in other areas. However, the administrative fees for resident parking to date have not come close to refinancing parking space management and control, regardless of the value of the privileged use of public space."

120 euros per year for resident parking

In the past, the fee for residents' parking permits was limited by law to 30.70 euros per year. This was purely an administrative fee. In the meantime, both federal and state regulations allow fees that also take into account privileged use of public space. The main aim of the increase in charges is to achieve a noticeable shift in demand for parking space from public to private spaces. This means that parking in spaces that are accessible to the general public should not be disproportionately cheaper than parking in parking garages, underground garages or other private parking spaces.

At 120 euros per year, or the equivalent of 10 euros per month, the fee for residents' parking permits is still at the lower end of what larger cities have set under the new legal basis. They are also well below the average cost of permanent parking spaces in multi-storey/underground garages, which in the city center can easily reach 100 euros per month and more. Compared to the fees that people without a resident parking permit would pay for longer parking, the costs for resident parking permits are also significantly lower: for example, commuters pay EUR 4.50 per day, or around EUR 90 per month, in the three municipal parking areas with a day pass option (Seidel-Parkplatz, Am Gries, Alte Wiesenstraße).

Fees at parking machines will increase by 25 cents to 1 euro from February 2025

The parking fees for public parking spaces were last adjusted in 2021. Now they are to be increased by a uniform 50 percent in all charging zones from February 2025. Parking in zone 3 (areas outside the city center) will cost 0.75 euros/hour in future (previously 0.50 euros/hour), in zone 2 ("extended city center") 1.50 euros/hour (previously 1 euro/hour) and in zone 1 (city center) 3 euros/hour (previously 2 euros/hour). The adjustment of the charges is a further step towards regulating the demand for public parking spaces and promoting the use of alternative forms of mobility.

At 3.00 euros/hour, the parking fees for zone 1 "city center" are for the first time higher than the price of a one-way ticket for bus or streetcar (2.70 euros). Parking at in public spaces will also be more expensive than in private parking garages and underground garages in the city. Their parking prices average between 1 euro and 2.50 euros per hour, making them an alternative for car drivers.

How an adjustment of parking fees ensures a better climate, fairer use of space and a better quality of life:

  1. Climate protection and climate adaptation:

  • In order for transportation in Jena to become more climate-friendly without restricting the mobility of people and goods, more people would have to travel by bike, bus or streetcar or walk. To achieve this, the environmental alliance (public transport, cycling, walking) must become more financially and functionally attractive compared to the car. The city of Jena can influence this, among other things, through the framework conditions for parking. In addition, sealed parking areas contribute to heat build-up in summer.

  1. More equitable use of space:

  • Public space in Jena is limited and is used inefficiently by parked cars, as they are only moved for a few hours a day on average. According to studies, vehicles are only used for an average of one hour a day. When parked, however, they take up large areas that cannot be used for other purposes.

  • Many citizens would like to see a city center with more areas for strolling, sitting or eating out. Fewer cars in public spaces create space for these wishes.

  • Most journeys in Jena are made on foot. However, the needs of pedestrians have so far been insufficiently taken into account and subordinated to other modes of transport.

  • An increase in charges makes an important contribution to the long-term reduction of parking in public spaces and promotes the use of multi-storey and underground parking lots, which are currently significantly underutilized.

  1. Prices in line with the market:

  • The new charges are based on comparable private offerings in the surrounding area and on local public transport tariffs (ÖPNV).

  • For the increasingly expensive public parking spaces, there are sufficient alternatives in the form of privately operated parking garages and underground garages, which often have free capacity.

  1. Social compatibility:

  • Those who are unable to use eco-mobility (public transport, cycling, walking), for example due to limited mobility or lack of accessibility, will still find parking options. The measure only aims to relocate parking to the specially constructed buildings. Destinations in the (inner) city can still be reached by car.

  1. Promotion of alternative mobility options:

  • Parallel to the fee adjustment, the city is working intensively on promoting sustainable mobility. This includes expanding the cycling network (cycling plan), examining new P+R facilities in surrounding municipalities, introducing and promoting job tickets, Germany tickets and school tickets and investing in public transport, including new streetcars and extended routes.

How is the revenue used?

The revenue does not benefit the general city budget, but is used specifically for climate protection measures and improved infrastructure, for example in the:

  • Setting up charging points in residents' parking spaces

  • Establishment of a municipal action program for photovoltaics on parking spaces

  • Promotion and expansion of eco-mobility

Information on applying for and renewing resident parking permits

The new parking fee regulations come into force on 01.02.2025. All resident parking permits issued until then will remain valid. Please note that an extension is possible at the earliest 1 month before the previous resident parking permit expires. This can be done either online or in person at the Bürgerservice. For this, it is necessary to make an appointmentin advance . The following must be presented Identity card, registration certificate part I, authorization of use of the holder if applicable, power of attorney if applicable.
