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Daycare fees and parent fees - calculation | Jena Service Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored

Daycare fees and parent fees - calculation

Die Kigagebühren bzw. Elternentgelte für die Betreuung von Kindern in städtischen Kindertageseinrichtungen sowie in Einrichtungen anderer Träger, die diese Aufgabe als Serviceleistung für die Stadt Jena durchführen, werden durch das Team Familienservice ermittelt und festgesetzt.

Amount of the daycare fee or the parental fee

The amount of the day-care fees or the parents' fee is basically calculated according to:

  • the average monthly income,
  • the number of children entitled to child benefit in the household and
  • the care time

Definition of income

In principle, the income of the parents (also in the case of the alternating model or "50:50 care") as well as that of the child in question is required. If the parents are separated and the child lives exclusively with one of the parents, the income of the other parent and the child in question is required.

Adjusted income is calculated as:

(a) gross income, less a standard deduction of.

  • 40 % for income subject to tax and social security contributions
  • 25 % for civil servant salaries
  • 30 % in the case of income subject only to tax or social security contributions
  • 5 % for income not subject to tax or social security contributions

b) other income in money or money's worth (e.g. child benefit, alimony, parental allowance, ALG I, etc.)

c) Deduction of maintenance payments to third parties

Income above the upper income limit

If the adjusted income is above 2861.00 Euros, no information on the economic circumstances is necessary. Only a current proof of child benefit (e.g. bank statement or similar) must be enclosed.

Income below the upper income limit

If the adjusted income is below 2861.00 Euros, all proofs of income in money or money's worth (the income of the calendar year to be determined is decisive) as well as a current proof of child benefit (e.g. bank statement or similar) must be submitted for the calculation. Income in the form of loans (e.g. KfW loans) as well as the federal child allowance for construction projects are excluded.

Child allowances

The number of all children entitled to child benefit living in the household is decisive here. For the child to be calculated, the income determined up to that point is reduced by 1,130.00 euros. For each further child entitled to child benefit in the household, the income is reduced by a further 400.00 Euros.

Calculation of fees/amount of fees

13% of the chargeable monthly income (adjusted income minus child allowances) is set as the monthly daycare fee or as the monthly parental fee.

If the monthly fee is less than 20.00 Euros, no fee is charged.

For the fourth and each further child attending a Kita, no fee/no charge is levied.

Exemption from the day care centre fee/parental charge

Whoever, during the current period of day care for children, is a recipient of benefits to

  • to secure their livelihood according to the Second Book of the Social Code (SGB II) (e.g. ALG II, additional needs for single parents),
  • for assistance with subsistence or basic security in old age and in the event of reduced earning capacity in accordance with the Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB XII),
  • according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act,
  • according to § 6a of the Federal Child Benefit Act (child supplement) or
  • according to the Housing Allowance Act (Wohngeld)

will be exempted from the daycare fee or the parental fee for the duration of the receipt of these benefits upon application and upon presentation of suitable documents, at the earliest from the calendar month of the application.

Changes in income

Changes in income of more than 20% and changes in the number of children entitled to child benefit in the household must be reported immediately to the Family Service Team.

In these cases, the provisional fee or charge assessment will be adjusted from the month of the change.

If changes in favour of the debtor are not notified at the latest by the time of the final determination within the framework of the annual review, they will not be taken into account retroactively for completed periods, unless the notification was omitted through no fault of the debtor.

Change in the amount of the fee or charge due to a change in the care period

The monthly fee may increase or decrease due to an increase or decrease in the regular daily hours of care. The care times are regulated separately in the respective house rules or usage statutes of the facility. They cannot be settled individually with the family service by the debtors. The care time always depends on the agreements in the care contract. For this purpose, special care packages are offered by the facilities.

Free of charge Kita year

All pre-school children in Thuringia are entitled to the non-contributory Kita year from 01.01.2018. Whether your child is a preschool child depends on the date of school enrollment. In Thuringia, all children who are six years old on August 1 of a year are considered to be of school age. Parents no longer need to pay fees/charges for these children in the period of the last twelve months before they start school (first day of school for children starting school). A separate application for exemption is not necessary.

Exception: For children who start school early, fees can only be refunded retrospectively because it is not decided until shortly before the start of the school year whether the child will be admitted to a school or not. The refund must be applied for at the municipality where the child went to the Kita.

Kita fee calculator

With the help of our daycare fee calculator, you can also find out in advance how high the daycare fee or the parental fee will be (see links).

Maximum fees for a regular childcare time of 45 hours per week or 9 hours per day

Number of children entitled to child benefit in the household Maximum fees/amount of fees
one child 225,00 €
two children 173,00 €
three children 121,00 €
from the fourth and each following child* no fee / no charge

*For the three older children in the household, the maximum fee / charge is €69.00.

Payment of fees

The daycare fee or the parents' fee is to be paid monthly.

Since the daycare fees or parent fees are income-dependent, we require the following applicable proof of income to determine the amount of the fees or fees (the income of the calendar year to be determined is decisive):

  • Gross annual income of the parents / parent (complete pay slips for the year).
  • current gross income of the parent(s) (current pay slip(s))
  • Self-employment of the parent(s) (tax assessment notice(s))
  • Child benefit as of the 2nd child (current proof, e.g. bank statement or similar - not older than 3 months)
  • Maintenance / maintenance advance (e.g. bank statement or similar)
  • Parental allowance / maternity allowance
  • BAföG / vocational training allowance (BAB) / scholarship (complete)
  • ALG I
  • Pensions (e.g. pension for reduced earning capacity, disability pension, orphan's pension)
  • Other income in money or money's worth

If you are in current receipt of the following benefits, please submit the notice of exemption applicable to you:

  • Securing subsistence according to the Second Book of the German Social Code (SGB II) (e.g. ALG II, additional needs for single parents).
  • Assistance towards subsistence or basic security in old age and in case of reduced earning capacity according to the Twelfth Book of the Social Code (SGB XII)
  • Benefits for asylum seekers according to the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act (Asylbewerberleistungsgesetz)
  • Benefits according to § 6a of the Federal Child Benefit Act (child supplement)
  • Housing allowance according to the Housing Allowance Act

terminvereinbarung möglich

Bitte beachten Sie, dass für eine persönliche Vorsprache eine terminvereinbarung möglich ist. Diese können Sie entweder über die Online-terminvereinbarung Familienservice oder telefonisch vornehmen.

Es wird darum gebeten, dass Sie Ihre Anliegen möglichst per Post, Fax, E-Mail oder telefonisch erledigen.

Tag Zeiten
Montag 08:30  – 13:00 Uhr
Dienstag 08:30  – 18:00 Uhr
Mittwoch 09:00  – 13:00 Uhr
Donnerstag 08:30  – 16:00 Uhr
Freitag 08:30  – 13:00 Uhr


Im Zeitraum 23.12.2024 bis 01.01.2025 hat der Familienservice geschlossen.

The determination/collection of the daycare fees or the parental fee itself is free of charge.

  • Kita usage statutes of the city of Jena
  • Kita fee statutes of the city of Jena


Family Service Team

Engelplatz 1
07743 Jena