Jena, 29.01.2025 - The crown cork collection of 2024 was a complete success! With a total of 6.883 tons of crown caps collected, an impressive 3.5 times the amount collected in the previous year (1.955 tons) was achieved. This sum corresponds to around 7 million crown caps - the donation amount of €1,896.29 was handed over at the Ronald McDonald House in Jena on January 29, 2025. The symbolic cheque was handed over by Uwe Feige, Plant Manager Kommunalservice Jena (KSJ).
Thanks to the main donors:
Many thanks go to the numerous supporters of this campaign:
- The largest single donor was the Ronald McDonald House Jena, which contributed 1,090 kilograms of crown caps from its own collection. These were collected on site by the street cleaning department.
- Other generous contributions came from the Jena Hospice with more than 400 kilograms and from citizens of Jena and Pößneck, who each collected 180 kilograms.
- In addition, numerous associations, initiatives and individuals regularly took part in the crown cork collection.
Commitment and outlook:
The collection is a joint project that has led to a great result thanks to the support of committed citizens, associations and organizations. The handling costs are borne by the KSJ and the amount of the donation was calculated on the basis of the pure scrap metal.
The crown cork collection continues: the collection is currently being made for the Naturschutzjugend Jena (NAJU), the youth organization of the Naturschutzbund. The proceeds from this campaign will be handed over to NAJU in January 2026 to support their valuable nature conservation work.
"We would like to thank everyone involved for their impressive commitment! Together, we are making an important contribution to the community and environmental protection," says Uwe Feige.
Further information:
Find out more about the crown cork collection and the projects supported here: