Stay for the purpose of work
You are very welcome on the German labor market.
In Germany, you apply for your residence permit directly after entering the country at the local immigration authority. In most cases, the foreigners authority must obtain approval for employment from the Federal Employment Agency.
Approval of the Federal Employment Agency
Approval is likely to be granted if your qualifications allow you to pursue the desired profession and you earn an appropriate income. You will also generally receive approval as a university graduate if your degree is recognized in Germany or is equivalent to a German university degree.
In addition, the Federal Agency will probably approve your application if you
- are an executive employee of a German-foreign joint venture.
- are an executive employee and specialist with company-specific specialist knowledge of a company based in Germany for qualified employment in this company.
- want to work in a state-recognized or comparably regulated training occupation following qualified vocational training acquired in Germany.
- have to carry out a temporary practical activity to determine the equivalence of professional qualifications acquired abroad.
Stays without consent
You will receive your residence permit regardless of the approval of the employment agency if you
- are highly qualified with a settlement permit.
- are the holder of an EU Blue Card and your salary is at least 50% of the annual contribution assessment ceiling for general pension insurance.
- are a graduate of a German university and wish to take up employment commensurate with your degree.
- are a manager who is a senior employee with general power of attorney or power of attorney. The same applies to you as a shareholder in a commercial company and a senior employee of a company operating outside Germany at board, management and executive management level.
- You are a lecturer, research assistant, visiting scientist, engineer or technician who is part of a visiting scientist's research team. The same applies to you as a teacher at public schools, state-approved private alternative schools or recognized private supplementary schools.
- are a graduate of a German school abroad and wish to work in a state-recognized or comparably regulated training occupation in order to pursue employment commensurate with the degree or for the purpose of qualified in-company training.
- have an EU Blue Card or a residence permit and
- have legally exercised employment subject to compulsory insurance in Germany for 2 years or
- have resided in Germany for 3 years without interruption with permission, toleration or a residence permit.
Einen Ort zum Leben finden
Sie suchen eine Wohnung in Jena? Erste Orientierung bietet Ihnen das Internet. Über Webseiten für Immobilien und auch Inserate auf Anzeigenseiten können Sie schnell fündig werden. Mitunter gibt es Aushänge direkt an den zu vermietenden Objekten. Auch in d
Gesundheitssystem in Deutschland
Um medizinische Hilfe in Deutschland zu erhalten, benötigen Sie eine Krankenversicherung. Der größte Teil der deutschen Bevölkerung ist in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung versichert. Dafür zahlen die Versicherten einen monatlichen Beitrag. Für Arbei
Es ist unschätzbar wertvoll, Hilfe zu bekommen, wenn man nicht mehr weiter weiß. Deshalb gibt es in Deutschland viele Beratungsstellen, die Hilfesuchenden in den unterschiedlichsten Lebenssituationen mit Fachwissen zur Seite stehen.