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Controlling | Jena Familie, Jugend und Soziales Dummy link to fix Firefox-Bug: First child with tabindex is ignored


Controlling supports the management process in the Department of Family, Education and Social Affairs and provides all bodies involved in the target process with tools and information that are relevant for objective decision-making. The head of department and the specialist departments for youth welfare, social affairs, youth and education and health are supported by the departmental controlling department.

Areas of responsibility

  • Project management of benchmarking for SGB IX
  • Financing child day care
  • Collaboration in the Internet project team
  • Reporting for the Department of Family, Education and Social Affairs (tertial reports)
  • Standards in individual service areas
  • Evaluations and analyses of cost-intensive areas
  • Strategic goals of the department and operational goals of the specialist services
  • Supporting the preparation of business plans, quarterly reports and annual financial statements
